Career News | Get Insider Insights

Week of Oct. 5-Oct. 12, 2017

4 Effective Tips to Networking

Ever feel overwhelmed or intimated to begin networking? Unsure how to close the networking loop and how to maintain a relationship with a professional? Networking is a skill and with practice and the right approach, it may feel less intimating.

Check out the below video in the related article to learn more about how to work a room. This cheesy short clip (with full of great tips!) is also sure to put a smile on your face in the midst of exams.

Need more networking resources? Check out the Careers Website or book an appointment with Nicole to further strategize.

Career Centre Updates

WestJet is Landing at UBC!
WestJet wants to get to know MBAN students on October 23, 2017 from 5:30-7:30pm. Learn how you can secure a permanent strategic analyst role with their 2018 New Graduate Program. We spoke to WestJet a couple months ago about the MBAN program and they’re very excited to meet your cohort as they have a growing analytics division.  RSVP before October 21, 2017 on COOL.

There’s more! Check out COOL for a full list of upcoming Company Info Sessions.

Take a Road Trip & Build your Network

Spend the weekend of October 6-9, 2017 on beautiful Thetis Island with the InterVarsity International Students, build your network and celebrate with turkey dinner.

Check out the video from Thanksgiving Camp 2016 and visit Thanksgiving Camp to find out more about the event.

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:

Exam Reminders

With Period 1 exams just around the corner, we wanted to provide you with some important exam reminders:

  1. Check your exam schedule carefully for dates, times and rooms. It is posted on the Current Students Page (scroll down to “Master of Business Analytics”).
  2. You will be assigned seating at each of your final exams. Seating arrangements will be posted outside the exam room along with a map of where you seat will be. Please note that even though each of your exams will be held in HA 132, your seat will change for every exam.
  3. You are allowed to enter an exam up to 30 minutes late. Beyond that, you will not be permitted to enter. If you are late for any reason, please email the respective instructor and cc’
  4. If you are too ill to write an exam, please email the respective instructor and You MUST get a doctor’s note to have the exam rescheduled. Please assess whether you are too ill to write before the exam begins; once you have begun an exam, the result will stand.

The below is in regard to Academic Integrity. While we hope and expect that no students would participate in any exam misconduct, please be mindful of the following:

  1. Your instructor will be in the room during your exam – please listen and ensure you abide by their instructions throughout the exam.
  2. Manage yourself and your test responses – ensure you are looking only at your own paper and ensure you are not exposing your paper to anyone. Viewing other’s work and allowing others to view your work is considered academic misconduct.
  3. Only bring permitted items into your exam. Your instructor/invigilator will advise what is permitted. Accessing any non-permitted materials/resources during an exam is considered academic misconduct.
  4. Please place all bags, coats, and items that will not be used for the exam at the front of the classroom. Tablets, laptops, and phones should turned off and stored in bags at the front unless specifically allowed by your instructor.
  5. Wearable technology (ie: smart watches) are not permitted to be worn during an exam and must be stored in backpacks at the front of the classroom.

Please review the following:

Over the weekend and during exam week, be sure to pace yourself, get enough (some) sleep, eat well, get fresh air breaks, and use your classmates for study support.

Good luck to each and every one of you!


Let’s share this space!

Hello everyone,

The breakout rooms are an excellent resource and we would like to keep them equally available for students in all RHL Graduate School programs. As outlined in the Breakout Room Policies, you may only reserve a breakout room in advance for up to 4 hours and for group work purposes only.  If you recall booking a breakout room for more than 4 hours, please amend your booking time here to allow other groups to use the space.

Need additional spaces to study? The RHL office has booked a few extra spaces where you can study leading up to the P1 exam week.

See the full list of additional rooms available to you here. These spaces are also open to MBA and MM students studying for their exams.

There are also great study spots across the UBC campus if you’d like a change in environment.

Best of luck heading into the first exam season!


5 Tips for Time Management

Are you feeling stressed about all of the work you need to do to finish this Period? Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Consider following these 5 tips for effective time management:

  1. Use lists to prioritize your tasks.
    • It often helps to write a list of everything you need to do and then prioritize what is truly essential and what can wait for another day.
  2. Do the most important work during your best hours.
    • Are you a morning person? Do your hardest, most essential tasks soon after you wake up. A night owl? Save your most important work for the evening.
  3. Avoid procrastination.
    • Distractions can eat up much of our day. Turn your phone to “do not disturb,” set an email autoresponse, or block certain websites you like to frequent to minimize the disruptions during your study time.
  4. Don’t be afraid to say no.
    • Being a student is only for a season of your life. Don’t be afraid to say no to certain opportunities in order to say yes to what is most important to you. During intense times of school, it won’t be possible to do everything. Be wise about how you spend your time.
  5. Get adequate sleep and exercise.
    • Studies show that adequate sleep and exercise reinforce your learning and improve your memory and thinking skills. While it may seem best to pull an all-nighter to cram for your upcoming exam, sleep and exercise have extremely positive effects on your memory retention and exam performance.

We hope you try out these time management tips to help relieve your stress during the next couple of weeks. If you are feeling particularly overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at or 604-822-1598 to receive extra support.

Have a great weekend!


Career News | Get out there: Network your way to your dream role

Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 5, 2017

Get Out There!

We’ve put a ton of networking resources on your myMBAN Careers website to support you as you start networking your way to your dream job.

Wondering about networking etiquette? Check out this guide. Want to know some tips and tricks for networking? Read more here. Connect with Nicole Yeasting if you have any questions about preparing for your next big networking event so you can put your best foot forward and get noticed.

To help get you started, click on the image below for some key networking tips:

Career Centre Updates

Put these tools into practice at the upcoming Company Information Sessions.

Interested in Sales, Branding, Finance, IT or Product Supply? Attend the P&G info session on October 17, 2017 from 6:00-8:00pm. Learn about exciting career opportunities and what it’s like to work at P&G. RSVP before October 15, 2017 on COOL.

Want to meet professionals while speed networking over FREE food and drinks? Check out Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA), BC Chapter event at the Metropolitan Hotel on Thurs. October 19th from 5pm-8pm. Professionals from TELUS, BCLC, Destination BC and others will be there. Register here.

There’s more! Check out COOL for a full list of upcoming Company Info Sessions.


Exclusive Hootsuite Tour with the PT MBAs

 This event is brought to you by the PT MBA 2019 class executives. Join them for a private tour of Hootsuite and see what they have to offer. If you have any further questions please contact Maggie Quirk at RSVP on COOL “under workshops”

Order Your Business Cards Today

Leave a lasting impression as you network with professionals. Having your own personal brand in the form of a business cards will help you do just that! Read more about “How a Small Yet Mighty Bit of Paper Can Still Get You a Job” to find out why business cards are essential to your career journey.

Visit the “Branding Tools” tab via your myMBAN Careers website for a business card template.

Branding Tools

Swipe Right on the Free Shapr App

Shapr is a networking app that connects professionals in a seamless and efficient way. Swipe through profiles of professionals, and find your matches to create new networking connections. Recently, the app has launched Shapr Communities, which enables users to add tags based on similar attributes such as company, university attended, associations, etc., and prioritizes introductions based on users’ tags. Read more about Shapr here: Shapr Meets Tinder in this Mindful Networking App

Download the Shapr App today and swipe your way to new connections!

Podcast of the Week

“The Courage to be Vulnerable”Brené Brown

“Courage is born out of vulnerability, not strength. This finding of Brené Brown’s research on shame and “wholeheartedness” shook the perfectionist ground beneath her own feet. And now it’s inspiring millions to reconsider the way they live, parent, and navigate relations with members of the opposite gender.” – On Being

Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre
155 – 2053 Main Mall
UBC Sauder School of Business
Hours: 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

Contact Info:

The Results are In!

Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you to everyone who ran for the Class of 2018 MBAN Society. I know that it takes a lot of courage to stand before your peers and run for a position so you should all be commended.

Please join me in congratulating the new Class of 2018 MBAN Society Executives:
  • Chen Chen
VP Internal
  • Tina Li
VP Events
  • Sahil Jain
VP Career Affairs
  • Karina Tkach
VP International
  • Kishi Zhou
We encourage you all to continue to get involved to shape your cohort experience. Please feel free to reach out to your Executives to discuss what this can look like!
All the best,

Reminder: Learn to Cite Right

Reminder: The David Lam Library is offering a workshop on the APA citation style which is the standard style used in all RHL Graduate School programs.

The workshop will introduce you to the library’s resources which provide access to guidelines and examples of citing business sources in the APA citation style.  This session will also explain the importance of citing and will teach students what to cite and when to cite.

One more date is available and registration is limited so place your RSVP as soon as you can!

All the best,


IMPORTANT: Allergens in RHL Common Areas

Due to a number of serious allergies among students in RHL graduate programs, we are requesting that the following allergens be refrained from being brought into or used while in the classroom and in the shared RHL Graduate area:

  • Cologne, perfume, skin cream and other scented products (learn more about scent-free initiatives here)
  • Flowers
  • Honey
  • Coconut
  • All nuts (including, peanuts, almonds and other tree nuts)
  • Any fragrances or fragrant foods containing these allergens

Shared study spaces include, but are not restricted to:

  • Classrooms
  • Lounges
  • Breakout rooms
  • RHL Graduate Student common area

Your care and attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

All the best,


Upcoming Election Speeches & Voting

Mark your calendars!

Candidate speeches for the MBAN Society Executive will be held:

  • Date:  Tuesday, September 26, 2017
  • Time:  Starting at 1:00pm (before BABS 506)
  • Location:  HA 343

Voting* will be administered by the Robert H. Lee Graduate School office on:

  • Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017
  • Time: 12:00 pm
  • Location: HA 350 (immediately following BAIT 507)

*NOTE: You must be present to vote!

Election results will be announced by the end of day, September 27, 2017.

The list of candidates running for the MBAN Society Executive positions are as follows. This will also be the order in which the speeches will be presented. You will note that there is only 1 person running for VP Internal and VP Events. Their positions will be filled by automatic placement (no voting required), however, each candidate will make a speech on Tuesday regardless.

VP Internal
  • Tina Li
VP Events
  • Sahil Jain
VP Career Affairs
  • Piyush Batra
  • Dipin Goyal
  • Karina Tkach
VP International
  • Harsh Sharma
  • Kishi Zhou
  • Chen Chen
  • Srikanth Kumar

Questions? Please email

Have a great weekend!


IMBA Students In Town

Hello everyone,

As some of you may know, the Robert H. Lee Graduate School runs an International MBA program in Shanghai which involves one residency at our UBC Vancouver campus. Next week, 27 IMBA students will be joining us on campus for their 2 week residency. If you see a new student in the RHL wing, please welcome them and say hello!

All the best,



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