Category: Announcements

Let’s share this space!

Hello everyone, The breakout rooms are an excellent resource and we would like to keep them equally available for students in all RHL Graduate School programs. As outlined in the Breakout Room Policies, you may only reserve a breakout room

5 Tips for Time Management

Are you feeling stressed about all of the work you need to do to finish this Period? Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Consider following these 5 tips for effective time management: Use lists to

The Results are In!

Hi everyone, First of all, thank you to everyone who ran for the Class of 2018 MBAN Society. I know that it takes a lot of courage to stand before your peers and run for a position so you should

Reminder: Learn to Cite Right

Reminder: The David Lam Library is offering a workshop on the APA citation style which is the standard style used in all RHL Graduate School programs. The workshop will introduce you to the library’s resources which provide access to guidelines

IMPORTANT: Allergens in RHL Common Areas

Due to a number of serious allergies among students in RHL graduate programs, we are requesting that the following allergens be refrained from being brought into or used while in the classroom and in the shared RHL Graduate area: Cologne,

Upcoming Election Speeches & Voting

Mark your calendars! Candidate speeches for the MBAN Society Executive will be held: Date:  Tuesday, September 26, 2017 Time:  Starting at 1:00pm (before BABS 506) Location:  HA 343 Voting* will be administered by the Robert H. Lee Graduate School office

IMBA Students In Town

Hello everyone, As some of you may know, the Robert H. Lee Graduate School runs an International MBA program in Shanghai which involves one residency at our UBC Vancouver campus. Next week, 27 IMBA students will be joining us on

Learn to Cite Right – RSVP Required

Wondering about the APA citation style and how it differs from others?  Confused about what to cite and when? The David Lam Library is offering a workshop on the APA citation style which is the standard style used in all

4 Reasons to Enter the INFORMS OR & Analytics Student Team Competition

Eager to put your analytical skills in Operations Research to use by taking on a real-world business problem? You are invited to partake in the INFORMS OR & Analytics Student Team Competition! As you likely know, INFORMS is a leading

UBC Events: Get Connected with your Peers!

Get Connected with your peers across all year levels and faculties who share similar experiences! More information can be found online at: or via the event on Facebook. Note about attendance: Your class schedule always takes precedent over events, but


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