Professional Residencies

Your first Professional Residency is the official start of your PMBA program and runs from Sat, Jan 6 to Sat, Jan 13, 2018. Please ensure that you have made arrangements with your place of employment as attendance is mandatory on all days of Residencies. There will be a full program each day and some evening commitments as well. A detailed schedule of the first Residency will be posted in November.

You cannot miss your first Residency and attend the UBC PMBA program. It is designed to provide information about the program and services available, build a strong foundation for class activities and teamwork, and introduce you to fellow classmates, faculty, and staff.

This first Residency will focus on Leadership & Competitive Strategy by providing a graduate-level foundation in these two essential business topics and will enable you to understand the connections between them. In these 8 days, you will enhance your communication skills and achieve specific professional development goals.

Course Sites 
BA 501 – Professional Residency I (Jan 6 – 13, 2018)
BA 502 – Professional Residency II (Jan 5 – 12, 2019)
BA 503 – Professional Residency III (Nov 30 – Dec 7, 2019)


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