Help with ideas for change (any are welcome) – thank you!

– September 7, 2021:

Upcycling ( is also a way to help with a sustainable way of living, and to turn recyclables into things and keep them away from landfills. Please see more here at “Rescued Glass”:

We didn’t start by asking “how can we maximise profit?” Instead, we asked “how can we maximise our impact to create a better and brighter future?”

More than 28 billion glass bottles and jars end up in landfills every year. We rescue these bottles and transform them into decorative household items.

With every aspect of our business, we maximise our social and environmental impact. We empower less privileged people in slums and even use sustainable materials in our packaging.

Join us on this unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference, one bottle at a time.”

– August 11, 2021:

From CNN; “Lilly Geisler goes to a lot of trouble to recycle. So she left CNN a voicemail asking: How much of my recycling actually gets recycled? John Sutter travels to Muncie, Indiana, to find out.”:

Alliance of Mission-Based Recyclers:

– August 4, 2021:

This is now up as well from the Pacific Parklands Foundation. I have been pushing, quietly for change, as I want things better for people after me; and it has really impacted people. Post from Pacific Parklands Foundation:

– May 20, 2021:

Met with NSERC Ethics and Integrity and if you have feedback on equitable research funds please contact them to incorporate it, especially for the 2030 Strategic Plan:

And email for feedback:

– May 5, 2021:

NSERC Ethics and Integrity were made aware about BR2, and the idea for equitable research funds for students, staff, and community partners without a PI/professor:

– April 19, 2021:

NSERC Dimensions and UBC Dimensions were contacted regarding ideas.

– April 16, 2021:

The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) was made aware of BR2:

– March 14, 2021, From a professional biologist:

” International students are at a disadvantage. I was not eligible for NSERC when I needed it the most. When I became a citizen it was too late to apply. Another thing to consider is that people might push back because there are not many jobs for STEM grad students – so we need to build more STEM capacity. I think collaboration with industry is paramount. I mentioned the latter because it has been a push back I’m getting when mentoring students.”