
Welcome to your MM program site – consider this your home base for the next 6 months!

Make sure you read all the information under each section on the site and be familiar with the material provided.  You’ll want to start by focusing on the following:

Hopefully we’ve covered everything you’ll need, but if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Communications & Your MM Experience

The MM program is intense and fast-paced. There will be a lot going on and many competing priorities and timelines. Communications will often be time-sensitive. Add a bit of classic sleep deprivation and stress into the mix and you will find that communication illusions can happen quite a bit!

Here is a list of our key methods of communication, some information on how they will be used and next steps you need to take to get connected:

2021 mm dd program site on canvas

Is where you are now! It's integral to your learning experience, so be sure to bookmark  https://canvas.ubc.ca/ for future use or, better yet, make it one of your browser's homepages.

This site will be an important resource for your entire time as an MM student and contains general (not course-specific) information about your program. Both the RHL Graduate School and the Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre will keep this site updated throughout your time with us.

  • Course sites for individual courses will appear on your Canvas homepage throughout the program and are linked to your registration in those courses. Course readings and assignments will be managed through these sites.  *NOTE: not all instructors create sites for their courses - if you do not see one for a course that you believe has a site, contact the instructor directly to inquire.


Closer to the start of your program, we'll be posting most items in the Announcements section on this site.   We want you to think of the Announcements as your "newsfeed" for the program.

Set your notifications on Canvas!  Both the RHL Graduate School and the BCC will use Announcements. To get your information on time we ask that you set the delivery of announcement notifications to "daily" so you get a summary email each day with the most current announcements and information.

  • Click on "Account" in the left-hand menu
  • Select "Notifications"
  • Next to "Announcement", select "Send Daily Summary"

NOTE: This will change the delivery time for all Canvas site notifications - you cannot set Canvas to deliver messages at different times for different courses.


We'll only use email for individual or urgent messages. Instructors might also use email for course notifications and central UBC offices will communicate with you almost exclusively this way. Make sure that your email address is up to date on the SSC as well as with the RHL Graduate School so you don't miss out!

If you have questions about your program, email is the best way to reach us.  Use the general email address: askmm@sauder.ubc.ca.

When you send us a message, remember to include the following to help us help you as quickly as possible:

  • Full name
  • Student number
  • Program of study (MM DD)

student service centre (ssc)

This is where you can view course registration and manage program tuition/fees. The SSC also contains your contact and emergency information - please ensure your address, telephone & e-mail information is always up to date.

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