Program Content

Program Overview

The structure and components of the PMBA program are described using a few terms that students should become familiar with:

  • Foundation Courses: courses covering the basic business and management subjects, required for all students to take
  • Advanced Courses: all other courses offered in the second year of the program, each student chooses their own mix of courses to earn 13.5 Advanced Course credits; can only be taken after ALL Foundation Courses have been completed.
  • A course is generally worth 1.5 credits, which is the equivalent of 20 classroom hours taught over 2-3 weekends

Courses will cover a variety of key subject areas. Not only will students learn the language of business, but they will also develop the skills to understand business problems, make managerial decisions, and communicate solutions, both as an individual and as part of a team.


Program SchedulePMBA Class of 2022 January 2020 - December 2021 Program Schedule - Posted October 13, 2021

Courses and Class Dates: The course dates have been set as per the PMBA 2022 Program Dates that you were given at the time of your offer of admission. Please note that the Program Schedule includes further details regarding course offerings, instructors, class times, and locations.

Course Pre-requisites: Some courses that you will take later in your program will have pre-requisites. A pre-requisite is a course that has content integral for you to learn prior to taking the listed course. For example: in order to take some of the more advanced Finance courses, you need to have a good foundation in certain Finance content. Consequently, many of the advanced Finance courses will have pre-reqs, which will be listed on your program schedule and the course record on the Student Service Centre (SSC).

Course Outlines

Please note that outlines are posted prior to the start of each period in order to help you with your registration choices, but the most up-to-date outline will be found on your Canvas site.

Click here to access course outlines.

Other cohort / program course outlines: PMBA 2021, FTMBA 2021, IMBA 2021

Administration and Registration

Grade Requirements: The PMBA program has strict grading requirements for all courses, which may differ from what students are used to from previous degree(s). Students must familiarize themselves with these grading requirements prior to the start of the PMBA to understand the differences.

As an example, students are only permitted a limited number of "failed" (59% and below) and/or "minimal pass" (60-67%) grades in the PMBA Program. If this limit is exceeded, students will be withdrawn from the program. To ensure students are on track, we regularly review grades and as needed, we will issue a grade review letter each time students receive a failed or minimal pass grade. The letter indicates an individual student's current standing in detail and advises that the student speaks with her/his Program Manager for clarification.

To find out more about PMBA program policies, please visit the Academic Regulations page on the UBC Calendar.

Transcripts (SSC): Copies of UBC transcripts can be ordered via the Student Service Centre (SSC). It can be mailed directly or picked up at Brock Hall. Unofficial transcripts can be printed from the Grades & Records > Your Grades Summary page of SSC. Please note: the RHL Graduate School and Business Career Centre cannot issue official or unofficial transcripts.

Course fees: some courses may have a course fee in lieu of a textbook. If this is the case the instructor should let students know this. Students are required to pay the course fee in order to receive credit for the course. Grades will be withheld from any students who do not pay the course fee. Payment can be made on the Class and Lab Fees site.

Course packages & textbooks: should be available at the UBC Bookstore or online, and instructors will usually specify this on the course outline. From the bookstore homepage click on Textbooks > Order Today to get to this page: From here students can choose which  courses they are registered in and see the materials available at the bookstore. If the course is not on this list and the outline says that there are textbooks/course packs please contact so that we can follow up.

Program Requirements

Program Requirements - PMBA 2022 - updated June 18, 2020

Rules on the Use & Distribution of Course Materials

Any materials posted on Canvas course sites will be available for you to access and download for four weeks after the final exam. As you will be using the intellectual property of external authors and/or UBC professors in your own studies, please be aware of the following rules around the handling and distribution of those materials:

  • Cases and readings are protected under copyright law and therefore you must not share these documents with anyone. Any official publications that are posted on a Canvas course site have copyright clearance for students enrolled this specific course only.
  • Class slides are the instructor’s property and most instructors do not want their slides to be distributed. If you have questions about this, please approach your instructor directly.
  • Exams/assignments/feedback must not be shared with students who may subsequently take the same course.

It is your responsibility to avoid copyright infringements and the distribution of materials that are intended for your use only.

Rules with Degree Progress

RHL students should use the designation "PMBA in progress” on resume, LinkedIn, email signature, business signature, etc. As a student in a Professional Master program, the term "candidate" should not be used because candidacy is not an officially recognized degree program status at the Master's level (it is intended for the doctoral level), based on UBC policy.

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