
IT Setup

Intellectual Property Protection & Referencing

Turnitin - this is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. Some instructors will use this tool when they assess your submissions. APA Referencing Style - click to access important information on how to properly use APA style in your academic research


The UBC IMBA program is intense and fast paced. You will need to be "in the know" about many different facets of the program: academics, careers, extra-curricular, social, etc. There will be a lot going on and many competing priorities and timelines. Communications will often be time sensitive. Add the usual IMBA sleep deprivation and stress to the mix and you will find that communication illusions can be quite troublesome!

Below are our key communication tools, some information on how they will be used and your next action steps on how to get connected:

CWL - Campus Wide Login Remember it ALWAYS and keep it secure. Your CWL will allow you to login to most of the required electronic resources during your UBC IMBA experience.

Canvas You are in Canvas now. Canvas is a web-based learning management system. It is INTEGRAL to your learning experience. Course readings, assignments, and grades will be managed through Canvas. The Robert H. Lee Graduate School and course instructors will file important program information on Canvas. Bookmark it on your computer!

Canvas - Program Site vs. Course Site The IMBA Program Site, which is the site you are on right now, is the main tool we (i.e. the IMBA team, the Business Career Centre and Global Experience team) will use to communicate with you. The Robert H. Lee Graduate School instructors all use their own Canvas Course Sites to communicate important information about their course with their class.

We ask that you subscribe to receive email notifications of any updates immediately or once a day (How-To Guide here). You may also wish to create a folder in your email inbox along with a rule to file these notifications automatically on arrival. This way you can be sure the information is being kept in an organized fashion and you can refer to it when needed.

SSC - Student Service Centre This is where you can access grades, course registration and program tuition/fees information. The SSC also contains your contact and emergency details. Please ensure this is always up to date. You need your CWL to log in to the SSC.

Email We use email mainly for individual messages. Instructors may also use email (instead of Canvas announcements) for course communications. Central UBC offices will communicate with you almost exclusively by email.

If your e-mail address changes from the one you applied to the program with, please ensure that you update it both on the Student Service Centre and notify the Robert H. Lee Graduate School office through

People & Contacts

Robert H. Lee Graduate School IMBA Student Experience Team
Steffi Hu
IMBA Student Experience Manager
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Email Steffi by clicking here
T: 604-822-1598
Sherry Shao
IMBA Program Administrator (located at SJTU)
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Email Sherry by clicking here
T: 86–21–5230–1552
Business Career Centre IMBA Team
Ivan Yuen
Associate Director, MBA Careers
Business Career Centre
Email Ivan by clicking here
T: 604-827-4455
Nicole Roumanos
Graduate Careers Program Assistant
Business Career Centre
Email Nicole by clicking here
T: 604-822-2804
Robert H. Lee Graduate School Senior Leadership

Shannon Sterling
Director, MBA Programs
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Email Shannon by clicking here
T: 604-822-8405

Mahesh Nagarajan
Academic Director
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Email Mahesh by clicking here
T: 604.827.1421
Teresa Pan
Assistant Dean
Robert H. Lee Graduate School
Email Teresa by clicking here
T: 604-822-8243
Faculty List - Sauder Faculty List  


IMBA Class of 2023 Roster  

IMBA Class of 2024 Roster

Learn more about your instructors from the Faculty Directory on the UBC Sauder Website.

UBC Student Card

Getting Your UBCcard IMBA students receive their UBCcard after the first few months into the program. Even if you have attended UBC before, you will get a new UBC card as these cards are encoded to allow you access to the graduate breakout rooms and the RHL Graduate area at the Sauder School of Business.

The multi-functional UBCcard not only facilitates library loans and services, it also provides students with official campus identification.

We will be sending you your UBCcard after your start your IMBA program.

For students with Lost/Stolen UBCcard

Lost or stolen UBCcards must be reported IMMEDIATELY. UBC departments (including the Bookstore, Library, Food Services, Housing, Athletics and others) assume no responsibility for fraudulent use of your UBCcard before the Lost or Stolen Card Notification Form is submitted and processed by the UBC Carding Office.

Please click here for details.

Services at UBC

Student Service Centre - this is your main interface to access course registration, grades, transcripts and more.

Canvas - this is UBC's primary learning platform for delivering online course content to students. You will be using Canvas to access your IMBA Program Site, as well as individual course sites.

CLC Online Course - this course offers Sauder students access to online learning tech assistance (Zoom, Canvas, online presentations, etc) plus all of the CLC’s usual appointments and workshops (Communications Coaching, Finance Lab workshops, research/reference help, etc).

UBC Student Assistance Program - provided by Aspiria, free, 24/7 personal counselling and life coaching for all UBC students. Services available by phone, video, face to face (where available), e-counselling and in multiple languages.

Here2Talk - free and confidential program that provides all students currently registered with a B.C. post-secondary school access to single-session 24/7 mental health support and community referral services via app, phone and web.

UBC Sauder Brand, Logo & Trademark Usage


1. Use of UBC Marks by Third Parties in General:

The University of British Columbia’s trademarks and official marks (“UBC Marks”), including the UBC Sauder logo(s) and mark(s) (“UBC Sauder Logos/Marks”), are registered and/or protected marks of UBC and may not be used by third parties without the express prior written permission of UBC.

Office of the University Counsel is responsible for issuing such written permissions/licenses to third parties in accordance with UBC’s Trade-Mark Policy (UP6). Only UBC academic and administrative units can use UBC Marks in connection with UBC activities without a license in accordance with UBC’s Brand Identity Policy (GA7). Accordingly, students wishing to use UBC Marks, including UBC Sauder Logos/Marks, must receive written permission from UBC.

These Guidelines outline the process by which UBC Sauder Students (defined in Section 2) can request permission to use UBC Marks, including UBC Sauder Logos/Marks (see Section 4) and include examples of circumstances where it may be appropriate for UBC to issue such permission (see Section 2).

A complete list of all of UBC’s official and registered Marks and a Frequently Asked Questions document about the appropriate use of UBC Marks by third parties is available here.

2. Permitted Uses of UBC Sauder Logos Marks.

Specifically by UBC Sauder Students or Robert H. Lee
Graduate School Students (collectively referred to herein as “UBC Sauder Students”)

As UBC Sauder Students (meaning a person who is presently enrolled at the UBC Sauder School of Business or Robert H. Lee Graduate School in a credit course or who is designated by resolution of the UBC Senate as a student), it may be appropriate for UBC to grant a license in the following circumstances to use either a UBC Mark or specifically a UBC Sauder Logo/Mark where there is an
appropriate connection to UBC, such as:

UBC Sauder Sponsored Student Event:
In connection with a UBC Sauder Student-run activity or initiative where UBC, generally, or UBC Sauder has been involved in supporting or sponsoring such initiative or activity, for example:

A. UBC Sauder is a sponsor or an official partner of such student initiative or activity and has provided either funding or support; or
B. a specific UBC Sauder faculty member(s) has agreed to oversee and/or take responsibility for the actions of the UBC Sauder Student run activity or initiative.

Examples of the primary UBC Sauder Logos/Marks are:

3. Examples of materials Prepared by the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department for use by UBC Sauder Students which do not require a license from UBC:

a. Business cards:
I. It is not permissible for UBC Sauder Students to use UBC Marks, including UBC Sauder Logos/Marks, on their business cards unless such business card was officially issued by UBC for the purpose of indicating the UBC Sauder Student’s employment capacity at UBC, and even in such circumstances the UBC Sauder Student should not use the officially issued UBC business cards for uses where they are not acting in their official UBC administrative or academic capacity (“Non-UBC Related Activities”).

II. UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications has created professional business card templates for use by UBC Sauder Students acting in “Non-UBC Related Activities” to indicate their status as UBC Sauder Students, such as the following examples below. Should UBC Sauder Students wish to obtain business cards using these templates, contact the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department (marcom@sauder.

RHL Business cards:

UGO Business cards:

b. Presentation to Internal/External Audiences:
UBC Sauder Logo/Marks may only be used on a project presentation by UBC Sauder Students using the template provided by the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department (featured below), if the following conditions are met:

I. the UBC Sauder Student has undertaken the project as part of the academic requirements of their program at UBC Sauder under the direct supervision of a UBC Sauder faculty member; and

II. the UBC Sauder Student has met all other requirements associated with the project (including such matters as securing ethics approvals).

As a condition of this permission, the UBC Sauder Student must ensure that it is clear to the audience that the project is being undertaken by a UBC Sauder Student for a specific UBC Sauder course, and that the conduct of the project is being supervised by a UBC Sauder faculty member, by providing the name and email of the UBC Sauder faculty member. This can be done in smaller print at the bottom of the page but must be reasonably legible.

PowerPoint presentation templates can be sourced by the Business Units on The HUB, in the marketing section of the site.

4. Guidelines

These Guidelines outline how to make a request to incorporate a UBC Sauder Logo/Mark or any other UBC Marks into UBC Sauder Student materials where appropriate for the purposes described in Section 2 above.

a) Approvals:
I. UBC Sauder Logos/Marks:
Any materials (including promotional goods) using a UBC Sauder Logo/Mark must first be approved* by the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department for adherence to the UBC Sauder Brand Rules. If you wish to use a UBC Sauder Logo/Mark, please forward your material for review and approval to the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department prior to publication/production. Please review the Brand Rules prior to ensure materials are aligned.

If the material meets the branding specifications in the UBC Sauder Brand Rules (See: “UBC Sauder Logos/Marks Usage Requirements” below for further information), then the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department will review and may request necessary changes. You can e-mail or deliver proofs of your materials to the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communication Department at Please include a sample of the materials, the audience, how this will be distributed, timing and allow up to three (3) full business days for review. Once the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communication Department has reviewed the request and it meets the branding specifications of UBC Sauder, it will forward this request to the Office of the University Counsel who will make the final determination regarding use of the UBC Sauder Logo/Mark in accordance with the Trade-Mark Policy and issue permission/license where appropriate.

*PLEASE NOTE: The UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department reviews only the UBC Sauder Logo/Mark usage, (i.e. its size, placement, color accuracy, etc.) and consults on the brand tone but does not review, approve, or provide resources to assist with the creative concept, layout, content or proofreading of such UBC Sauder Student communications.

II. Other UBC Marks:
If you wish to use any other UBC Marks, please contact the Office of the University Counsel directly for permission prior to use or publication at the following contact details:
Office of the University Counsel
6328 Memorial Road
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Tel: (604) 822-1897
Fax: (604) 822-8731

b) UBC Sauder Logos/Marks Usage Requirements
Permission to use a UBC Sauder Logo/Mark is contingent upon adhering to the following

I. UBC Sauder Students must follow the UBC Sauder Brand Rules and requirements for colour specifications, protective space, minimum size, and reproduction over colored backgrounds. Please take the time to review these detailed specifications and ensure they are applied accordingly prior to submitting the materials for review and approval to the UBC Sauder Marketing & Communications Department.

II. For marketing and communication materials produced by graduate students, the Robert H. Lee Graduate School secondary wordmark must be used in addition to the UBC Sauder Logo/Mark as well as the logo of the student society, club or organization publishing the material. Graduate students should ensure they review the specifications in the UBC Sauder Brand Rules around the joint usage of UBC Sauder and Robert H. Lee Graduate School identities thoroughly and ensure the specifications are followed, such as relative sizing and minimum distance.

III. The UBC Sauder Logo/Mark should not be altered in any way (see “Incorrect Use” in the UBC Sauder Brand Guidelines). For example, individual elements of the UBC Sauder Logos/Marks, such as the door or the wordmark, must not be separated and used in isolation from each other and must not be combined with other graphic elements. Any use of the door as a stand-alone element, must first be approved by Marketing &Communications.

IV. UBC Sauder Communications & Marketing Department will provide you with a brand compliant digital file of the UBC Sauder Logo/Mark to be used for the purpose for which permission is granted.

V. In addition, you must adhere to any other requirements as communicated by UBC Sauder or the Office of the University Counsel to you, including requirements as to placement of the UBC Sauder Logo/Mark on the materials. For example: the placement of the UBC Sauder Logo/Mark should make it clear why it is being displayed (e.g., if UBC Sauder is one of many sponsors, the UBC Sauder logo should only appear on the page that indicates all the sponsors and relative sizing and minimum distance rules must be met).

c) Non-UBC Related Activities Best Practices:
UBC Marks, including UBC Sauder Logos/Marks, should not be used in circumstances where a UBC Sauder Student is producing materials for conducting a Non-UBC Related Activity. The materials should feature the logo of the student society, club or organization publishing the material. Where the Non-UBC Related Activity is being operated entirely by UBC Sauder Students, it would be permissible for the materials to indicate as a factual statement that the group operating the Non-UBC Related Activity is comprised of UBC students (e.g., “AZY Consultant Group, a group operated by students of UBC) and/or include a statement that makes clear that this is a student run initiative/activity/club not endorsed or authorized by UBC or UBC Sauder.

To obtain brand compliant digital files of the UBC Sauder Logos/ Marks files, a copy of the Brand Rules, ask questions or provide comments, please contact:
Marketing & Communications Department
604.822.8436 |

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