Pre-MBAN Academic Prep

The fast pace of the MBAN necessitates that all students have a foundational proficiency in Quantitative Methods and familiarity with Programming and Statistics and R. To aid in ensuring that you have adequate knowledge in the above subjects, we have liaised with your program instructors to compile a list of online academic prep tutorials for you to review as you prepare for your program.

Each of you comes to the program with a different academic background and different work experiences, so your familiarity with the academic prep tutorials will also vary. It may be that some of the resources on this list are very familiar to you, and you can just quickly review them to make sure you are up to speed, or it may be that you have never covered some of them, and you will need to learn them in depth.

When your classes begin in September 2023, you will need to be familiar with all of the material listed on the academic prep resource list, as classes move along very quickly, and you will need to be able to keep up with your classmates.

All resources below are from Khan Academy unless otherwise indicated. If you have feedback about these academic prep materials, please send it to

Any resources on LinkedIn Learning can be accessed for free with a UBC student email address. To set up your email address, click here


Where to begin: Review each section and complete those areas you are currently not comfortable with. Most tutorials include quizzes and practice tests, so completing these is a good way to quickly review if you are familiar with the content.

If you'd like to track your learning progress, you can sign up for a user account with Khan Academy, but it's not required.

Disclaimer: These tutorials have not been vetted in-depth. They have been selected based on the concepts included and tutorial descriptions. You are encouraged to explore the content and cover concepts you are unfamiliar with. The aim is to ensure that you have foundational proficiency in these topics, but not all concepts may apply directly to course work.

All resources are from Khan Academy, unless otherwise indicated.

If you have feedback about these academic prep materials, please send it to


Ratio, Proportion and Percent

Linear Systems



Programming and Datacamp

You will be expected to be familiar with the basics of programming. During the first semester, you will have a chance to apply programming skills in VBA and Python.

If you are not already familiar with Python, we suggest that you do Code Academy’s Python class ( or Google’s Python class (

Access to Datacamp will be available at the end of June. We suggest prioritizing completing Datacamp courses from July to August.

Statistics and R

Academic Writing

These resources are recommended by the staff at the UBC Sauder Canaccord Learning Commons

Sharpening Your Writing Skills by Duncan Kent
Sharpening Your Writing Skills is an excellent workbook on business writing with exercises and answers, online or as a downloadable PDF.

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Well-known resource, especially for APA research citations as well as a wide range of grammar and writing topics.

David Appleyard English
A comprehensive and easy-to-use website covering numerous grammar topics.

Plagiarism & Citation

1 hour approximate study time. Critical skills for all of your courses – make sure you know how to cite your work, and understand what your responsibilities are with regards to academic integrity.

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