Financial Information

Managing your money is an essential part of student life and incoming students should be prepared to meet the majority of the financial need for the MM program prior to it’s start.

Overview: Tuition Payments & Fees


Students pay their fees online through the Student Service Centre (SSC). Students are responsible for keeping up with tuition deadlines and student fees until the completion of their program. UBC tuition deadlines by term will be updated on this page.

Estimated Living Expenses during 9-Month Program
An estimate of tuition, fees, and living expenses has been compiled on the UBC Sauder website for the MM. You can view these here: MM Tuition Fee Breakdown

Your tuition will be divided into three equal instalments which are due on the timeline below. The exact amount of tuition and student-levied fees as well as payment deadline will appear on the UBC Student Service Centre (SSC) prior to each month that tuition is due.

A sample breakdown of tuition can be found here for reference only. Please note that tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and between 2% and 5% for continuing international students.

The $5,000 CAD MM Program deposit that you paid to accept your offer of admission to the UBC MM will be credited toward your first tuition installment. This amount will be transferred to your tuition account in mid to late November. From this point forward, all of your tuition payments will be done through the Student Service Centre (not the website where you paid your initial deposit).

Please visit UBC Tuition Payment Webpage to learn about available tuition payment options and instructions. Tuition at UBC can only be paid through the options listed on this page. UBC does not accept wire transfers for tuition payments.  Any payments made to UBC through wire transfer (with the exception of the $5,000 Program Deposit at the time of admission) will be returned to the sender, which may result in delays and losses on conversion rates for the student.

The first tuition installment deadline will be in the first week of classes in September 2023. Exact dates will be published on the UBC Student Service Centre (SSC) in July so please ensure you log on to check your payment deadline. In addition to your tuition, there will also be student-levied fees charged by UBC for each instalment. Student fees go towards covering the goods and services you receive from the UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS), including Extended Healthcare, your UPass (transit pass), access to the UBC Pool etc.

You can view UBC’s policy on fees for full details.


In addition to tuition, there will also be student-levied fees charged by UBC which will be included in each installment. The exact amount of tuition and student-levied fees as well as the payment deadline will appear on your record on the SSC prior to each month that tuition is due.

MM Specific Student Levied Fees

There are two specific fees for the MM program that will be due in their entirety with the first MM tuition installment in September:

  1. MM Society fee: This amount goes directly to your elected MM Society Executive and will help toward events and activities for your cohort.
  2. Sauder Building fee: All Sauder students pay the UBC Sauder School of Business Building Fee. This is a student levied fee passed through student referendum to help finance the new building.

To view a breakdown of tuition and student levied fees, check the itemized list attached to each installment on the SSC.

*NOTE:  All students are responsible for keeping up-to-date in paying tuition and student fees until the completion of their program. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold; further registration will not be permitted and grades will not be released. Students on financial hold will also be charged a processing fee by UBC and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full.


In order to obtain their refund from withdrawal, students must make a request from UBC Enrolment Services to have it processed upon withdrawal from the program.

Scholarships and Bursaries


The MM program usually only has Entrance Scholarships available to students. If you were awarded an Entrance Scholarship you would have been notified in your letter of acceptance to the MM program.

NOTE: Entrance Scholarships will be applied to your account and appear on the SSC in mid- to late-August.

Most scholarship money will be automatically credited to your student account soon after the due date. As the system knows of any pending awards, you will not be penalized if your fees have not been paid by the due date. However, if your award amount is less than the total amount owed, you must pay the difference by the fee deadline to avoid late fees.

Students are encouraged to check their financial record on the Student Service Centre (SSC) for confirmation of scholarship installment amounts and dates. Normally, awards are paid out using the following payment schedule:

  • Under $1,000 - paid out entirely in one term
  • $1,000 - $5,999 - divided equally and paid out in two terms
  • over $6,000 - paid out over the three terms of the year (34% in September, 33% January, and 33% in May).


If you find yourself in financial distress and unable to meet tuition/living costs during the program, UBC Enrolment Services has a bursary program in place for students with Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status, or refugee status.

Eligibility for bursaries will not guarantee that the full amount of unmet need is covered. Funding awarded will depend on the demands of the UBC Bursary Program for the study period to which you have applied, available funding from departments and faculties, and eligibility of programs for consideration.

Program Deposit

The deposit you paid to accept your offer to the UBC MM program will be credited toward your first tuition installment (September 2023). This amount will be transferred to your tuition account mid- to late-August.

Financial Hold

A student may be placed on financial hold as a result of outstanding indebtedness to the University, including tuition and student fees, parking and library fines, and Student Housing & Hospitality Services fees. Please note the following:

The financial hold will be removed once the outstanding balance, including all penalties, is paid in full.

Tax Information

In Canada, income tax is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The Canadian income tax year is from January 1 to December 31. If you owe income tax, you must pay it by April 30 for the preceding calendar year.



    • Tax receipts are made available to students by UBC in early February.
    • Students can access their tax receipts (T2202A-tuition, T4A-if you worked for UBC, and Transit Tax Credit-U-Pass) on the Student Service Centre (SSC).
    • Additional information on your T2202A receipts can be found on the SSC homepage under FAQs/Finances.

Additional support

Enrolment Services Advisors and Associate Enrolment Services Advisors (ES Advisors) are a team of dedicated advisors that can assist graduate students across all areas of Enrolment Services. Some of the most common services are:


  • Explaining tuition and student fees and advising on best methods of payment
  • Financial assistance planning, specifically on student loans and the UBC Bursary
  • Setting up a budget and exploring additional resources as needed (private loans, emergency funding).
  • Workshops with respect to successful budgeting
  • Advising on student records and documentation
  • Referrals to other resources on campus

Graduate students are welcome to contact any member of the Enrolment Services team. The best ways to get in contact are:

You will be able to see a breakdown of your tuition and student fees on the Student Service Centre (SSC) once you are registered in courses in mid-June.  Once you are registered, you can log in and click on the Student tab, then Financial, then SFM Account.


If you're facing financial distress and/or have had a significant change to your financial situation, please speak with Rebekah Chotem, Manager, Master of Management or contact an Enrolment Services Advisor (ESA).



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