301 Formal Progress Report Darius Zhang Revised

To: Erika Paterson, Engl301 Instructor 

From: Darius Zhang, ENGL 301 student 

Date: November 6, 2021

Subject: Formal Report Progress: Introducing a 10-minute quiz in UBC Chinese language program’s OP (oral practice) sessions. 


The purpose of this report is to address the issue of no assessment in CLP’s oral practice sessions.

Intended Audiences:

This report is intended for Duanduan Li, the director of the UBC Chinese Language Program; as well as Victoria Ni, the organizer of OP sessions. 

Significance of Report

The research and resulting recommendations will help increase students’ satisfaction with OP sessions, as having an assessment in every OP session will not only help the volunteers to better track students’ learning process, it will also lead to a better learning outcome. 


Primary research will involve an online survey, which will be sent out to the OP session chat group, which consists of over 100 participants (including both volunteers and students). Attached is the link to the survey: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2fylWyCmaPW4JnM

Formal Report Outline 

Attached is the outline for the formal report: 301 Formal Report Outline Darius Zhang

Research Plan: 

Below are the tasks for determining the feasibility of introducing a 10-minute quiz in the UBC Chinese language program’s OP (oral practice) sessions. 

-Create Survey 

-Distribute the survey to OP volunteers and students 

-Identify the current level of students satisfaction towards OP sessions 

-Compile and analyze survey responses 

-Identify the advantages, disadvantage,s and limitations of using the quiz as the assessment in OP sessions 

-Research into other possible solutions to the stated problem to compare with the proposed solution. 

-The feasibility of the proposed solution

Writing Schedule: 

Nov. 6th: Survey completes 

Nov. 7th: Distribute the Survey

Nov. 8th: Finish writing the background of CLP and OP 

Nov. 9th: Finish setting up the front page, table of contents, and reference page 

Nov. 10th: Finish the draft of the introduction 

Nov. 11th: Finish writing the analysis of secondary research 

Nov. 12th: Close the survey and start to analyze the survey results 

Nov. 13th: Create a data table that will show my analysis of the survey results 

Nov. 14th: Filling out the rest of the formal report and completing my first draft. 

Nov. 15th: Publish my first formal report draft 

Nov. 16th: Start peer reviews 

Nov. 19th: Publish my peer reviews and read my peer’s comments 

Nov. 20th: Start editing and improving my draft 

Nov. 26th: Final proofreading and submission of a formal report on the team forum 

Thank you for reviewing my progress report. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  

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