My biography


My name is Darius Zhang, and I am from Cheng Du, China. I transferred from SFU to UBC, and this is my last year as an undergraduate student. At SFU, I majored in Economics, but after two years of studying, I found economics wasn’t truly my interest. At that point in my life, I was battling between keep studying Economics and transferring to another school for a new start. As you may see, I chose the latter one.

Life is full of difficult choices, In the end, I chose to join the Interdisciplinary Studies program at UBC  because I want to explore my options. It is amazing that UBC offers such a program for students who are not sure which path they want to take on. I appreciate my decision for transferring to UBC

because I found that I am interested in Business and Asian studies. In the future, I want to work in a blockchain company. I think the Ethereum project will be one of the most important sectors of the internet in the future, virtual assets will be the sunrise industry as the traditional industry goes downhill. I hope that the knowledge I learned from the years of learning Economics and Business will equip me to work in this industry.

During the years of pursuing my education overboard, I become more open-minded and outgoing. I came from a place where I struggle to do what I really want to do, and how I landed in a place where I realized that every decision is a good decision, the seemly bad decisions will also teach us important lessons.