Revised 301 Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn


To: Team Rocket, ENGL 301 Technical Writing

From: Darius Zhang

Date: October 22nd, 2021

Subject: The Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great place for forming professional learning networks (PLNs) and an ideal place for job seekers. In a digital age like ours, having a network with professionals from all around the world not only provides more opportunities to individuals, it also helps to build one’s career. There are many online resources that give guides to how to use LinkedIn effectively, below are 10 best practices summarized from various resources.

How to Advance Your Profile

  1. Use a professional profile photo to make a good first impression
  2. Write a good profile summary that is not only concise but includes necessary details.
  3. Make good use of background photos, it could be a photo of an institution that one graduated from or the company that one currently works in.
  4. Prioritize experiences that will attract potential employers.
  5. Keep the profile up to date

How to Form a Network

  1. Use LinkedIn Endorsement function
  2. Include the LinkedIn URL on the resume
  3. Sending invitations to people who willing to connect on a professional basis or an educational basis
  4. Start conversations with others and use the smart replies function
  5. Make good use of the recommendation function to emphasize one’s professional abilities

Works Cited:

Borsellino, R. “The 31 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers”. Accessed on October 22nd, 2021.

Mind Tools. “How to Use LinkedIn Effectively”. Accessed on October 22nd, 2021.

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