2.3 Home II: Connections in Thought

Read at least 3 students blog short stories about ‘home’ and make a list of the common shared assumptions, values and stories that you find. Post this list on your blog with some commentary about what you discovered.

Here is the list of ideas and quotes that I’ve compiled while reading my classmates’ blogs to pinpoint the exact definition of home:

  • “I can still remember the layout of my childhood home–a safe, fantasy-like castle for my wandering imagination” (Jenny Lu)
  • where the heart is
  • family, friends, lovers, familiarity and security; the need to feel that sense of belonging and a connection between your physical surroundings and yourself
  • memories of childhood
  • “The multi-cultural Canada does make me feel at home in the way in which this country opens up for cultural diversities” (Patrick Woo).
  • “To me, the opposite feeling of “homey” is loneliness.  I’ve undoubtedly felt homey in foreign places with the people I value” (Lucas Hui).
  • compilation of memories and feelings both positive and negative

I mostly agree with these statements as I’ve finished reading the pieces above. I think Jenny, Patrick, and Lucas have encapsulated the meaning of home as a safe-haven that provides security and warmth. The place opposite of loneliness and isolation.

However, I disagree with Lucas in the fact that home shouldn’t have a sense of loneliness. I grew up as an only child and there were many moments in my life that I’ve spent alone and it does not bother me, in fact, I find loneliness to be a source of solace and comfort. This comfort translates into home, which is actually inside of me and the people I love. I find that the quietness in a home is something to look forward to at the end of an exhausting day.

Home is what we make it. Home is inside yourself and the people you cherish.

Do you think you can find home in solitude?

Works Cited:

Hui, Lucas. ““Home” Is Where the Heart Is.” ENGL 470A. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

Lu, Jenny. “2.1 Home.” English 470A Insights. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

Woo,  Patrick. ““Home.” We Are in the Same Boat. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

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