


 Fig.1  Human Development (Karger)


Welcome to 4hands, the Conference site of Kyle Olsen, Amanda Leung, Aidan McConnell. 4hands research will focus on decolonizing Canada’s literature, pushing back against neoliberal ideology to expand multiculturalism, while focusing attention on the climate change crisis to protect all Indigenous and settler communities.


Fig. 1. Canada’s Official languages Act.

Visual Representation of Canadian Bilingualism

Fig. 2. Visual Representation of Canadian Bilingualism


Fig. 3 Indigenous Climate Action: Community-based solutions rooted in decolonization (Deranger).


Fig 4Learning on Stolen Land. “Given that Canada was founded by colonizers, it is not surprising that the Canadian education system is built on colonial views” (Yurdakul).




Aidan McConnell was born in North Vancouver BC, spent the first 11 years of his life in Toronto, Ontario, moved back to North Vancouver in the 7th grade and has been living there since. Being a Cultural Studies major, Aidan has taken many courses in previous years on the colonial history of Canada, but none of had a specific focus on literature. Aidan has an interest in the bilingualism of Canada and all that duality implies, as well as the climate change effecting our planet today, much like his fellow teammates.




Kyle Olsen was born and raised in Langley, B.C., located within the Fraser Valley and currently resides in Vancouver, B.C. He is a fourth-year BA student majoring in Human Geography with a minor in English (Emphasis Literature) with the hopes of pursuing a career in teaching after he finishes his undergraduate degree. Kyle has previous experience learning about the processes and effects of colonialism through his studies in geography but wants to take a different approach to learn more about these topics through a literary lens. In particular, he wants to learn more about the modern literacy practices to environmental justice concerning the phenomenon of climate change today.



Amanda Leung is a 4th year English Literature student who is also pursuing a minor in International Relations. She is from Surrey B.C. and enjoys reading, crafts, cooking, and spending time with her family. She is particularly interested in the effects of single-sided narratives, especially within Canada. She wants to learn more about the effects of rhetoric and power when discussing environmental justice in Indigenous communities.



Works Cited

Deranger, Eriel Tchekwie. “Indigenous Climate Action: Community-based solutions rooted in decolonization.” Climate Atlas of Canada, Prairie Climate Centre. University of Winnipeg,
2019:2021 Accessed April 2, 2021 at: https://climateatlas.ca/video/indigenous-climate-action

Karger. Human Development, March 2021. Susan Rivera, ed; Vol. 64 No. 4-6; Cover illustration. Karger; 2021. Accessed April 7, 2021 at: https://www.karger.com/Journal/Home/224249

Yurdakul, Lora. “Learning on Stolen Land” in Alternatives Journal: Voice of Canada’s Environment, March 25, 2021. Alternatives Media Inc. 2021. Accessed April 1, 2021 at: https://www.alternativesjournal.ca/community/culture/learning-on-stolen-land-2/


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