Essay Review

Hi all:

For my paper, I decided to do an essay review of the differences in perception of what educational technology, eLearning and blended learning were and how they can be used together. It was an interesting process, as I had to vet through some 20 papers, journal articles and web resources to find the particular focus I needed.

During this process, I found there is a still a want to begin with the technology and form it to the learning objectives, rather than opposite. I began to wonder what is the most benefical way to use the eLearning platform/techniques. More so, how has ET and blended learning really supported learning? Is it really different than what previous educators experienced?

I also began to wonder if eLearning and blended learning were, in some way, an unloading of teacher responsibilities to the student. Much was glorified of how students would appreciate being collaborative learners, but we know this cannot be useful for all. Would students really experience “critical capital” in their learning?

One of my last thoughts, which I think had little to do with my topic of choice, is why did none of the authors speak to classroom management as part of an effective blended learning environment. As a teacher, classroom management is foremost before any learning can begin. I wish the authors would have spoken to this. I find it hard to imagine that innovative teaching pedagogy and ET will completely eliminate the need for classroom management, even in the online world.


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