I created two speculative narratives based on what I have learned in this course and the relationship with media and technology in the next 30 years from an educational perspective. Speculative design contributes to the reimagining not only of reality itself but also our relationship to reality. But for this to happen, we need to move beyond speculative design, to speculative everything—generating a multitude of worldviews, ideologies, and possibilities (Dunne & Raby, 2013, p,160). Digital literacy is at everyone’s doorstep, and we are all learning as we go, over the past few weeks I realized that the next big thing we need to learn and understand is Algorithmic literacy (understanding bias in artificial intelligence systems or how a search engine system works) and Data literacy (how/when/where data is collected, how it is collected and retained, by whom and with what effects).

Watch the first speculative narrative here:


The second speculative narrative you can listen to here :



Home-schooling version 5.0

Narrator:  The year is 2051.

Education no longer takes place in buildings formerly known as schools.  Some have been converted into museums.  Some have been retrofitted into places to play paintball.  People still love playing traditional paintball.  The others… well we won’t talk about what the others are being used for here.

Let’s visit the home of Tina.  Tina is a 9-year-old child, who like most children, receives her education without leaving her dwelling.

AI voice teacher:  Time to wake up for school, time to wake up for school.

Narrator: Tina quickly gets ready in about 2 minutes (bathing and hygiene practices have become much more efficient)

Tina is greeted by a 21 Dimension visual of her teacher who welcomes her into the virtual learning space for the day.  Surrounding the teacher in a rectangular, window-like presentation are Tina’s peers.  These peers are grouped together by ability rather than age.

AI voice teacher:  We will now commence our lesson on conversational skills and social interaction.

Narrator: Mary now appears in Tina’s main visual field in real time.

Mary:  “Tina, let me tell you all about my new virtual doll house.”  “I love the new patterns on my infrared cooking telescope, it really matches the new cardigan I got for my sheep-dog-baby wolf”.  “Oh, also, ….”

AI voice teacher:  Mary, please stop and refocus on the assignment.  You need to ask Tina questions, actively listen to her, and paraphrase her responses to demonstrate interest and empathy.  Please stop talking about yourself and try again!

Narrator:  20 minutes later

AI voice teacher:  Thank you for your participation, as always, your feedback has been uploaded instantaneously.  Please take one minute to view it now.

Narrator: 1 minute later

AI voice teacher:  Please pull up all relevant information on your visual field and continue working on your project.  Remember that you can discuss ideas with your peers by saying their name twice to activate them into your visual field.  Anyone who abuses this option will have that option removed for the day.  I am watching all your visual fields simultaneously and will interrupt you to work with you when deemed necessary.  Enjoy!

Narrator:  After working on their projects, it was now time for physical education and wellness.

AI voice teacher:  Children, please step into your protective virtual reality booth and adjust your settings to Pickleball and add the ice skates accessory.

Tina:  “Yeeeeeeessssssss!  I love Ice Pickleball!  I can’t believe they didn’t think of this combination sooner!”

Speculative Everything
Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby 2013