Important Dates & Office Hours

Office Hours:

As course instructors we are committed to providing structured and meaningful, graduate level support for our students. We recognize that isn’t always as accessible in a large asynchronous course, however, to remediate that distance, we are committed to holding office hours at ANY TIME that is convenient for you. This could mean we jump on a chat in Slack, Zoom, Skype, Teams, Google, or whatever works best for you. Please do ask us questions and for support! We are here for you.

Important Dates:

Week of January 9, 2023: Syllabus Tour Online LIVE! We will be online at 5 PM, Pacific Standard Time to walk you through the syllabus (should you so choose) and answer any questions you might have. This isn’t mandatory, but it would be great to see you then! We’ll send the zoom link via Slack. Stay tuned.

January 22, 2023: IP #1 is due –this is a “calibration exercise” so you can see how we mark/what our expectations for the intellectual productions are and how we can support you to do your best work.

Late January, 2023: A Zoom check in will take place to answer any questions about the course/group project and check in on how group formation is proceeding.

By the end of week 3 (January 23-29, 2023): All game groups should be determined- Each game group should set up a project channel in Slack.

January 29, 2023: IP #2 (free choice between options 2-7)  is due.

February 5, 2023: IP #3 (option 8, required)  is due — this will help you prepare for your game design work/get you thinking about play and games.

February 12, 2023: IP #4 (free choice between options 2-7)  is due.

February 19, 2023: Collaborative GAME GROUP Exercise from FULLERTON DUE

February 26, 2023: IP #5 (free choice between options 2-7)  is due.

Late February, 2023: Another “Check in” – we’ll be online to answer questions/talk final projects.

March 5, 2023: GAME GROUP DESIGN DOCUMENT DUE. (This is your group’s game design/development proposal, 1000-1500 words, plus images etc. as needed)

March 12, 2023: Field note/video game play exercise due.

Late March 2023: One final Zoom check in to answer any questions about remaining assignments, the group project, and project presentations.

Week of April 3rd 2023: (FINAL DATE TBD): Final Project Presentation of “proof of concept” game due

April 10, 2023: All outstanding work is due.

April 9, 2023: Individual 2-page game project ‘retrospective” due

Reminder — IPs and the fieldnote exercise should be posted to your own websites and the link sent via Slack to your course instructors (Keri or Sam). Please notify us when you have completed an assignment and we will do our best to get you speedy feedback.