Working on the Marketing Plan assignment has been a great experience for me. This group project allowed me to have more experience working and cooperating in a group, applying knowledge learned in class directly to a company, and to be creative with the video. I felt that the various aspects of the project (the project outline, analysis, and video) allowed me to focus on applying every aspect of what was learned in class.
I most enjoyed the video aspect of this project as it differed from other typical group projects. This video allowed my group and I and take our knowledge of marketing and apply it directly in a way that would express how we had actually learned the material taught. Throughout this process, we were constantly thinking of our target audience, how they would interpret and receive the information, the different forms of media that we could use to best represent our company and its values, as well as the visual appeal of the film itself.
However, this video segment also proved to be the most difficult. Personally, I had difficulty trying to show everything I had learned throughout the term. The previous two parts of the project illustrated my group’s knowledge of the material and the company, yet it was difficult finding the best way to portray our knowledge creatively. As stated above, this was the most fun and interesting aspect of the project for me because it proved to be the most difficult. Marketing is about the consumers, and their relationship with the brand and company. Therefore in order to truly convey what we had learned, we needed to successfully connect consumers to the video.
I feel that knowing about the peer reviews gave perspective on the project. This provided us with a target audience beyond the professors, and allowed us to direct our video accordingly.