Small Companies, Big Moves

Big companies, with the right resources and capital, are able to find target markets internationally and expand their businesses there in order to increase profit and efficiency. Contrastingly, it is also possible to acquire businesses internationally and have them incorporated into local firms. Many smaller Canadian firms have begun to do this, some with decent rewards, others with complications. Buying foreign firms a growing path to expansion, by Caitlin Crawshaw explores various small businesses that found advantages in buying struggling firms overseas.

Not all firms function in the same way, and larger firms definitely differ from smaller ones in term of capital, resources, and employment. The limited resources that some small companies face lead them to make large, and often risky, decisions with the hopes of success. As shown in the article, Angel Accessibility Solutions is a company in Victoria suffering losses due to the decreasing supply from the manufacturers of the products they sold. As a result, in order to save their company, the accessibility solutions company bought the manufacturers who product they distributed. This move can be criticized as risky and un-worthwhile, yet I believe is necessary in certain circumstances. Acquiring this overseas company gave Angel the ability to control product manufacturing, a solid international base, and growth to their company.

In all business, large scale or small, risks have to be taken in order to grow and prosper. Each firm has to strategically identify its issues, and the appropriate steps for economic growth.


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