Once again the “Darling of Wall Street” has found a way to alter an aspect of its business model, and this time, it is all about the customers. By creating an all new interface that will take a step into the background, Netflix believes that customers will be able to connect with their programs in order to boost the number of titles watched by each customers. The initial results from the testing of this update showed positive results, as more had indeed been watched. This shows how taking advantage of Information Technology can boost sales, and customer experience, since producing a simple, yet effective, platform for customers will improve a customer’s opinion about the company, and also shows the customer that the company cares about their experience.
This article was especially interesting tot me as Netflix has been discussed numerous times in class, and the fact that I am a subscriber of Netflix. I personally am a customer of Netflix, and I must admit that I have seen large improvements. Initially, I was not a big fan of Netflix, as I did not see the value of its services. That being said, I have found myself more inclined to use their services as they continue to update their platform. One of the main goals of Netflix is to retain their existing customers, and I can safely say that they are doing a splendid job.