HTC, the ‘Anti-Apple’

The company HTC, which manufactures smart phones, has been quietly gaining more market share and presence within the US as well as internationally. This article discusses the current success of this company as it has “claimed the top position in the third quarter for the first time” within the US. This success comes in part, from HTC’s “anti-Apple” strategy, mentioned in this article “where Apple is secretive, HTC is open. Where Apple is exclusive, HTC works with all carriers. Where Apple is proprietary, HTC is collaborative. Where Apple customizes for no one, HTC customizes for everyone.” This is an interesting manoeuvre, as being the direct opposite of Apple, which is an extremely successful company, would seem to be detrimental to your business, as you are doing the exact opposite of what seems to be working for Apple. However, this also allows your company to fill a gap in the market that Apple surely does not fill, and so far, HTC has benefitted from this risky strategy.

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