And the winner is…INDIA!

On Wednesday,Sep 24th,2014,India’s Mangalyaan Space probe satellite entered the orbit of Mars making history.India’s satellite was one of the most cost effective satellites to have been built so far.Costing $74 Million,the satellite cost less than the movie Gravity.It took the satellite 299 days to reach the orbit of Mars.India relied on its tested technology which helped to build this cost efficient satellite.The cost of a kilometer travelled by the satellite was 6 Rupees,much less than an auto rickshaw ride in India which costs 10 Rupees for a kilometer.This shows how cost efficient the satellite was made.India also became the first country to have ever reached Mars in it’s First attempt.


India’s$74 million dollar satellite is approximately 5.3 times less costly than the European Space Orbiter and approximately 9.4 times less costly than the Nasa Mevan proving that Indian technology is far more superior than many others.This trip to Mars was a success for India as it proved the power of the Indian Space Research Organization and broadened the market for ISRO by promoting the sale of spacecraft hardware and software, leases transponders, and—most spectacularly—builds and launches satellites for others.


“How India Mounted the World’s Cheapest Mission to Mars.” India Real Time RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2014


Ethics-Indian Tradeoff?

Ratan Tata-The Chairman of Tata Motors(One of the biggest automobile companies in India)said-“If you choose not to participate in [corruption], you leave behind a fair amount of business.”India has become a major hub for companies to start their business due to cheap labour,land and various other factors but for a business to thrive in a country like India-does the functioning of the business have to be unethical? There have been many scams or scandals as of late-the 2G Spectrum Scam,Satyam Scandal,Commonwealth Games Scam,etc. Does this mean that all the big companies in India are corrupt? The mangers refer to this this type of working as”Jugaad” which means to find you way to get what you want.In India most of the companies follow this system of Jugaad where they use unfair means to manipulate things and make things in their favour.

Today,Some politicians have revolted against this form of corruption.The Lok Pal Bill was formulated to eradicate corruption from the System but it never got passed in the Constitutional Parliament of India.The big Question right now is that -Do the businessman still want the Indian System to be corrupt or do they want to mend the system and work ethically to achieve their goal.


“Business vs. Ethics: The India Tradeoff? – Knowledge@Wharton.”KnowledgeWharton Business vs Ethics The India Tradeoff Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

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