Boeing flies back in!

Agreeing with David Cojocar’s post, I feel that Boeing recently made a comeback in the airline industry after the production of the 787-Dreamliner.All the Boeing Dreamliners were called back for repair by the American based company due to the faulty production of the Rolls-Royce engines.RyanAir’s recent investment in the new fuel efficient and stylish Boeing 737 has brought Boeing right back on the top.RyanAir recently ordered  100 new 737 MAX 200 aircraft and they are expected to order 100 more making it the second largest order of airplanes after Indigo Airlines.RyanAir plans to “change the game” in the low cost airline sector as the airline plans to add 8 additional seats to its existing seat capacity.


However,I disagree with David on one point.I feel that the US Government cannot or will not bail out Boeing as Boeing is the only major American based Aerospace company.Even though Boeing had its downfalls,Boeing can never go out of business as it is the biggest competitor of Airbus and people still have faith in the airplanes manufactured by Boeing.Thus to prevent the airline industry from becoming a monopoly,Boeing must continue business.


“Ryanair Buys 100 Boeing Planes.” BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

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