Secret hospitals to treat the wounded!

The current update on Syria has left the world puzzled as the government of Syria is imprisoning all those doctors who are trying to cure the wounded protesters.Secret Hospitals have been formed by activists to treat the wounded.These hospitals use empty coke cans as equipment. The secret hideout hospitals are still operating and there are several doctors who are risking their lives to save other people’s lives. Ramita Navai,a reporter reported that all hospital equipments were kept at a place away from the secret hospitals, so as when raids happened,the equipment could be saved.It was also reported that the wounded protesters were captured by the government and were tortured and killed eventually.


Some military personnel were removed from the military as they refused to kill innocent people.This incident is rather shocking.However, the Syrian Government denies all the claims/allegations of ill treating protesters on them and refuses to agree to anything said by the media.


“Syrian Activists Operate Secret Hospitals to Treat Wounded Dissidents.”Public Radio International. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

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