Social Entrepreneurs Needed!

Social Entrepreneur’s bring hope and light through their business models as they are not only concerned about generating revenue but also are concerned about helping the social community.Social Entrepreneurs such as Shega Shero Eatery and projects such as the Arc Initiative are the reason why we need social Entrepreneurs besides a fully funded United Nations.Big Organizations such as the United Nations cannot reach out to all the people in the world,thus social entrepreneurs do what the United Nations cannot.Social Entrepreneurs act as role models and inspire other individuals with bright ideas to start their businesses in places they could never have imagined to operate in.


Sauder’s Arc Initiative is necessary as it helps entrepreneurs to formulate and plan their business model canvases and provides them with funding.The Arc Initiative looks to set up businesses in small and unrecognized areas by sending individuals or small groups of people.This initiative helps to develop the economy in the underdeveloped areas as well as motivates other entrepreneurs to pitch their businesses there.The Arc initiative helped Shega Shero Eatery to take advantage of the “untapped”Ethiopian food packaging industry and helped her to create a competitive advantage over others.Her Differentiation strategy in packing and packaging products not only helped her business to flourish but also made her profits.


“In a Crowded Market, Entrepreneur Finds a Sweet Way to Stand out.” The Globe and Mail. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

“People Like You” or “You”?

A company always recycles its employees-some go and some are employed .To get the same or possibly better service from its employees, a company has to be very careful in how they recruit their employees.In Seth Godin’s Blog, Seth talks about how during selection, the job applicants are told that “people like you” cannot be hired due to various reasons.He also goes on to say that there is a difference between “people like you ” and “you”.

Selection is thus considered as a negative process-the process of eliminating the good from the average ones.Employees should not get discouraged by the interviewer’s attempt to pick out a needle in a haystack but should create an impact on the interviewer’s mind such that they remember “you” and not “people like you”.


Seth also goes on to say that this broad generalization of people eliminates choice and creates a stressful environment for people to work in.I feel that this elimination of people is necessary as it is done for the benefit of the business.Different businesses have different goals and objectives but they all work towards achieving maximum efficiency.


“Seth’s Blog.” Seth’s Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“5 Recruiting Habits Of Successful Leaders.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

Doing what Others Cannot!

The market today is growing wider and wider and companies look for a focus differentiation strategy to distinguish their product from others. In Raza Razi’s Blog,he has spoken about how a different and out of the box marketing strategy can lead to the success of a firm.Small scale and new companies often use this strategy to promote their business.Marketing today has become the backbone of the business-even if the business idea is not that great but is marketed well,it is expected to do well.

Businesses should detect an early warning signal in the market they are functioning in and create a first movers advantage to create a competitive edge over its competitors. Maruti Suzuki-an automobile company in India detected a first mover advantage.They detected a sudden rise of interest in the sedan industry,allowing them to produce the first major low cost sedan in India-Esteem.The sale of the Esteem created a major rise of revenue for the company allowing the company to become the most popular automobile company in India.


Thus marketing a product is necessary but it is more important for a company to analyze the market and take advantage of early warning signals and create first mover advantages.Companies should thus conduct market research so that they can make use of the information productively to achieve technological and economic efficiency.


“Raza Razi’s Blog.” Raza Razis Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“Reference for Business.” First-Mover Advantage. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“Maruti Suzuki Esteem [2004-2008] User Reviews.” User Reviews: Maruti Suzuki Esteem [2004-2008]. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.


First Nations Comes First!

Legal and Political reasons are major reasons for businesses to shut down today and the First Nations play a role in doing so as well. The First Nations territories have become out of bounds for business firms to operate in and starting a business on these territories without the consent of the First Nations has become almost next to impossible.Therefore,it has become increasingly important for business firms to be aware of the legal constraints involving the use of First Nation territories.Business Firms should draw out a general plan in advance to tackle such threats that could possibly affect their business.


The firms should realize that using these territories will cost them extra-so they should devise their plan accordingly so as to suit their cost structure.The increasing growth of Ethics in a business has created a need for companies to handle such issues with care.It is also important for the firms to go through with their plans in a respectful manner so that they not only maintain the dignity of the First Nations but also get the territories that they need so as to get their business working ethically.


“Tsilhqot’in Set to Declare Site of New Prosperity Mine a Tribal Park.” N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

Burger King looks at India.

Burger King’s recent decision to open 12 outlets in India has come as a golden opportunity for the fast-food restaurant to expand in the Asian market.Today India has become one of the largest food consuming nations in the world and the according to the latest survey conducted by the Food Ministry of India,about 76% of the Indian population is a victim to fast food restaurants.The competition in the fast food market in India is low-serving mainly McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, etc.Burger King will have to understand the needs and expectations of the people and create a first mover advantage for their company.


Burger King also made tie-ups with Ebay – an online store operating in India for promoting and selling the famous”whopper”-the burger patty.Buyers can pre order the whopper from Ebay before the actual launch of the Burger King stores in India.This strategy is a creative one as it would not only promote Burger KIng as a brand in India but also would increase the revenue stream of the company even before it starts operating in India.


“Burger King Ties up E-bay for Pre-booking Offer before Launch – The Economic Times.” The Economic Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

“Burger King Enters Indian Market, Starts with 12 Outlets.” The Economic Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

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