Doing what Others Cannot!

The market today is growing wider and wider and companies look for a focus differentiation strategy to distinguish their product from others. In Raza Razi’s Blog,he has spoken about how a different and out of the box marketing strategy can lead to the success of a firm.Small scale and new companies often use this strategy to promote their business.Marketing today has become the backbone of the business-even if the business idea is not that great but is marketed well,it is expected to do well.

Businesses should detect an early warning signal in the market they are functioning in and create a first movers advantage to create a competitive edge over its competitors. Maruti Suzuki-an automobile company in India detected a first mover advantage.They detected a sudden rise of interest in the sedan industry,allowing them to produce the first major low cost sedan in India-Esteem.The sale of the Esteem created a major rise of revenue for the company allowing the company to become the most popular automobile company in India.


Thus marketing a product is necessary but it is more important for a company to analyze the market and take advantage of early warning signals and create first mover advantages.Companies should thus conduct market research so that they can make use of the information productively to achieve technological and economic efficiency.


“Raza Razi’s Blog.” Raza Razis Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“Reference for Business.” First-Mover Advantage. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“Maruti Suzuki Esteem [2004-2008] User Reviews.” User Reviews: Maruti Suzuki Esteem [2004-2008]. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.


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