“People Like You” or “You”?

A company always recycles its employees-some go and some are employed .To get the same or possibly better service from its employees, a company has to be very careful in how they recruit their employees.In Seth Godin’s Blog, Seth talks about how during selection, the job applicants are told that “people like you” cannot be hired due to various reasons.He also goes on to say that there is a difference between “people like you ” and “you”.

Selection is thus considered as a negative process-the process of eliminating the good from the average ones.Employees should not get discouraged by the interviewer’s attempt to pick out a needle in a haystack but should create an impact on the interviewer’s mind such that they remember “you” and not “people like you”.


Seth also goes on to say that this broad generalization of people eliminates choice and creates a stressful environment for people to work in.I feel that this elimination of people is necessary as it is done for the benefit of the business.Different businesses have different goals and objectives but they all work towards achieving maximum efficiency.


“Seth’s Blog.” Seth’s Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.

“5 Recruiting Habits Of Successful Leaders.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.


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