Expanding Emirates

Emirates- a well known United Arab Emirates based airline company,recently voted as the best airline company is now looking to expand its flying routes to more places in the United States.This seems like a strategy as they are expanding far and wide and as said in the article-they are willing to land a plane anywhere which has passengers and a runway for a jumbo jet to land. Competing airlines such as Delta,United and American do not support this strategy of Emirates as it poses as a threat to the american airline industries.



Emirates has lately ordered 150 Boeing 777X jumbo for 56billion dollars, the largest purchase made in terms of cost in the history of aviation.Emirates Airlines’ president Tim Clark said that they would have bought 50-60 more Airbus a380’s if their engines were newer and more fuel efficient.Emirates also plans to have more flights going to different places that do not connect through Dubai creating a wider network of travel.Many airline companies have accused Emirates of competing unfairly but Emirates has rejected all the accusations and continues with the same strategy.It will be interesting to see how the American Airline carriers react to this strategy formulated by Emirates,and if Emirates is actually successful in implementing it.


Bachman, Justin. “Emirates Flies Into America, and U.S. Airlines Grow Anxious.” Bloomberg Business Week. Bloomberg, 02 Oct. 2014. Web. 03 Nov. 2014.


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