First Nations Comes First!

Legal and Political reasons are major reasons for businesses to shut down today and the First Nations play a role in doing so as well. The First Nations territories have become out of bounds for business firms to operate in and starting a business on these territories without the consent of the First Nations has become almost next to impossible.Therefore,it has become increasingly important for business firms to be aware of the legal constraints involving the use of First Nation territories.Business Firms should draw out a general plan in advance to tackle such threats that could possibly affect their business.


The firms should realize that using these territories will cost them extra-so they should devise their plan accordingly so as to suit their cost structure.The increasing growth of Ethics in a business has created a need for companies to handle such issues with care.It is also important for the firms to go through with their plans in a respectful manner so that they not only maintain the dignity of the First Nations but also get the territories that they need so as to get their business working ethically.


“Tsilhqot’in Set to Declare Site of New Prosperity Mine a Tribal Park.” N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

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