Blackberry’s Way Out

The article highlights what the average avid businesses savvy person knows about Blackberry’s decline in the business world, but also brought up an interesting point – Blackberry’s way out. Among all the other declining figures of the company’s books (45 percent sales drop and $965 million loss recently reported), was the notion that the company had a 32% increase in companies utilizing their servers.  If Blackberry were to zone in on its network and security-software capabilities, it may just be able to survive. With Blackberry’s main competitors, Apple and Android, able to produce and adapt their companies to fit the needs of the ever-changing smartphone market, Blackberry needs to focus on another customer segment. As the article puts, “BlackBerry has to stop thinking just like a smartphone maker and more like a software shop that caters to all if it’s to survive.” In addition the once promising international market in Asia and Latin America have also dropped 28 and 62 percent respectively, further cementing the fact that Blackberry has to completely change its current business model and instead of competing with efficacious rivals in the smartphone industry, differentiate and take on its own niche appealing to businesses.

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