A response to “Twitter Troubles”

Twitter has been gaining more public interest in the last few months; the topic fresh off of everyone’s lips. In “Twitter Troubles” a fellow comm101 student analyzed the issues Twitter faced being compared to other social platforms. The main point being that Twitter doesn’t lend itself as easily to advertisers.

The blog agreed that Twitter has to focus on the fact that it is fully integrated with celebrities, a valuable point of difference it has. The blog also stated that Twitter needs to develop a way to become more user-friendly as the process of building up a following and finding meaningful information among the magnitude of tweets is a weakness the platform has. Another critique was that Twitter is only used extensively during certain times, such as sporting games, or natural disasters, rather than a daily routine.

The blog brings up a valuable point in the importance of celebrities in the Twitter world, I don’t however, agree that it should change the other features so that a following is significantly more easy to build up. Having a following on Twitter and taking the time and effort to build it is one of the main reasons why it’s so successful. The fact that ordinarily most people have a smaller network and following makes the larger accounts more credible. Advertisers can then aim directly at these people or businesses. It is a valuable point of difference that Twitter has and trying to shift it towards a point of parity would be detrimental to Twitter.

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