Business Ethics – L’Oreal Racism Allegations – You’re Worth It, If You’re White???

Racism Allegations

L’Oreal is reputed to be the most dominant cosmetics company. Recently however, questions were raised concerning “unethical practices” (article), related to L’Oréal’s advertising. The French based company was accused of racial discrimination when it came to recruiting models/temporary agents selling shampoo products. Allegations highlighted that L’Oréal recruited, thinking that white models/agents put more appeal to the public into buying their products. Cosmetics products, aim to increase skin glow, provide shinier hair etc and anti-racial groups said L’Oréal recruited with the thought that white skinned individuals would more visually reflect the features their products would deliver. L’Oréal was found guilty by the Paris appeal court, fined €30,000. But it makes one wonder that despite processes of globalization and increased integration amongst people, with exchange of ideas, innovations, and technology that such mindset presents itself as a deciding factor concerning recruitment in the world’s biggest cosmetics company! This topic lands itself in the center of business ethics, the thin line dividing between right and wrong, something L’Oréal failed to see, but can we really blame L’Oréal since it was attempting to increase sales through “selective recruitment” of people to stronger highlight its products. Is it really a thin line, or a blur, so ambiguous that companies such as L’Oréal couldn’t see it coming?


Sage, Adam. “L’Oreal found guilty of racism in shampoo ads.” (2009): September 15, 2010.


“L’Oréal Logo.” Enjoy France. Web. 15 Sep 2010.

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