Commerce 299 (Business Writing) – Reflection Blog Post

A Fundamental Part of Business

Comm 299 represents a fundamental element of learning business in university in that it involves communicating your achievement and experiences to a potential job employer through writing (Cover Letter, Resume, Notes) and face-to-face interaction (Interview, Networking). Business is all about communication and Comm 299 represents exactly that. The fact that we are diving into this area already in our first year goes to show the importance of learning this concept from the beginning and cementing its points in our minds. To manage yourself effectively (and this isn’t just limited to Commerce) in the world you must communication your thoughts, ideas, plans and objectives clearly to the employees.

As the times go by, organizations will get flatter in structure. Consequently , a more diverse employee base and greater use of teams would call for communication as an essential requirement to organizational success. Flatter organizations mean managers must communicate with many people over whom they may have no formal control. With an increasingly globalized world, where there is continuous integration and exchange of ideas, culture, and tastes it is important to catch up to that pace. The only way to do this is by achieving Comm 299’s course goals; effective communication; displays of professionalism; knowledge. These are all the things I’ve taken away from this class and I believe strongly that it will definitely fuel my ability to catch up to that pace of the world.

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