Reflection: Comm 299 Blog#2

You have heard the expression “First impressions are lasting ones.” Well, your resume is the first meeting between you and a prospective employer more often now than ever. So, how do you want to be remembered? Wrinkled and unorganized. Neat and structured. Long and boring. Precise and interesting. Companies do not have the time to interview every applicant that is interested in the job. If they did, there would not be a company to work for. Interviews are one of the most important hiring tools available to employers, used extensively to judge how appropriate a prospective candidate to fill a role with an organization. You know you are qualified for the job. There isn’t any reason in the world why you shouldn’t be able to call up the company of your choice, give them your credentials, and go right to work. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as all that. You see, when a company has an opening, you are not their only option. The purpose of an interview is two-fold. First, it is important for the company to talk to all of the qualified applicants to figure out which one will actually be the best one for the job, beyond simply being qualified for it. I have learnt these important, fundamental points from Comm 299, and I am glad that I was able to take this course in the first year of my Sauder experience, so that in the coming years, I can apply these fundamentals and hope to succeed when it comes to landing a solid job with a prospective employer.

So, in the end of it all this is what I hope to achieve.

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