Comm 296 Blog 1 – Introduction

Hello everyone! My name is Abhinav Sharma. I’m a Year 2 student here at Sauder pursuing a Bcomm Degree. I’m really interested in the field of business, its applications, concepts, and basically just all the works. And it is this interest that has lead me to now studying the exciting field of business that is, ‘Marketing’. Some of my hobbies include travelling, social networking etc and hopefully my experience in Sauder will help to propel my in that direction.

My experience with marketing, through the entirety of my life has been as a consumer, experiencing the seemingly mundane process of watching ads between my favourite shows, online, on billboards, newspapers, magazines along with declining scores of offers made by sales persons in malls and even at my doorstep. However, in the midst of these vast amounts of ‘junk ads’ (as i call them) there are a handful that once in a while catch my eye. It is a result of this, that I have made many emotional connection to tons of brands with some of them including Apple, Google, Sony, Adidas etc. So, it is because of the handful of eye-pleasing ads that have caught my eye, that I create connection with them in some way. A recent Superbowl ad, in fact of has done the same thing which also lead me to having a deep connection with this brand.

The Emmy-winning ad was about Chrysler 300 revolving around the bleak conditions of a recession-hit Detroit (see link below). There are many reasons why this ad really won me over. One, many of my friends work for Chrysler and were part of this marketing campaign. However, the main reason was that it was a unique position they took and there was no other motor company that used such an emotional appeal to promote their product (since they were all already on the environmental bandwagon promising to build hybrid-like vehicles).
The ad below is just one of the ads that was part of the “Imported from Detroit” campaign.
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