Brand Positioning, Being #1 In a Category – CLOVER

In class today, we were talking about strategies (“establishing a unique market position” to achieve long-term goals), and as mentioned in my previous blog, is closely related to brand positioning. In brand positioning, we were stressing on the importance of cementing yourself in the consumer’s minds by establishing a unique market position (to win over the battle for the consumer’s mind as there’s a constant overflow of information consumers receive). So, it’s important to be distinct from everyone else to gain competitive advantage and also potentially be #1 in a category/segment in the market as a result. The clover ad (see below) is an excellent example.

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The ad emphasizes on “mixture”, its product being in the middle between, butter and margarine, taking the best of both and combining into 1 product. Clover established “a unique market position”, positioning itself separate from its competition (butter and margarine products) and creating it’s own category (mix of both butter and margerine), so it could become no.1 in that category. As result, it created a unique market position, along with gaining an unoccupied position in major segment of the market (Mixture of butter/margerine)


“What is Strategy.” Michael Porter. Harvard Business Review.
November 1, 1996. Online Print.


“Cover Advert 2010.” Clover Youtube. Web. 7 Oct 2010.


“Clover Logo.” The Telegraph (UK). Web. 7 Oct 2010.

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