
Hello everyone, I’m Abhinav Sharma. I’m from India but have only lived there for 3 years. For most of my life I’ve been traveling to many places. I was born in Hungary, then moved to Sri Lanka, India after that, followed by Toronto, Beijing, Dhaka, and now I’m Vancouver. I would consider Beijing and Dhaka to be the places where I’ve had the best moments of my life and now hope Vancouver becomes one of those places as well. I’m really interested in the field of business, its applications, concepts, and basically just all the works. My interests/hobbies are so many that I’ll just mention a pinch of them. They are playing cricket, ping pong, badminton, pool, air hockey, carrom, listening to music, hanging out with friends etc.
I’m really excited to be in the Sauder School of Business and along with that, I am also thrilled to be meeting new people every time here at UBC, which makes the experience of studying here all the more fun. That’s basically it as far as I’m concerned and hope my blogs will deliver some sort of interest to you guys.


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