Post-it Notes Going Digital

Post-It Notes

Photo taken from Google Images.

Left and right companies are creating apps and going digital. It’s just an accepted way of doing business now. Making sure your company is digital is now a point of parity of doing business and customers expect businesses to be online and possible have an app.

A company that has been behind on this trend is 3M the maker of Post-it Notes. They have officially released a Post-it Note app for the iPhone. This app allows you to take pictures of your Post-it Notes and stores these handwritten notes in your phone.

Post-It Note App

Photo taken from Google Images.

While this idea fits in with the brand image, the concept of the app fails to thrill. Many productivity apps have come out allowing users to write into their phones their thoughts and ideas. Apps such as Evernote help students and professionals keep track of their notes and ideas.

In this digital age, it seems redundant for 3M to create an app just so you can transfer your handwritten post-it notes into your phone or computer. It seems a whole lot easier to enter your information into your phone in the first place if you knew you would want a soft copy of the information.

So is this Post-it Note app a waste of 3M’s resources? Most likely so, they should have just stuck to paper.

Instagram Disabled in Mainland China

Social media has the power to influence many and spread the news like wildfire. The influence of social media is evident when Instagram was disabled in Mainland China on Sunday. Read more about the story here.

The thinking behind disabling Instagram is to stop the hashtag #OccupyCentral from spreading. This is the main hashtag associated with the protests happening in Hong Kong.

But does disabling Instagram really do the trick? If anything I would think that it draws more attention to the issue. Those in Mainland China could be unaware of the events happening in Hong Kong. With Instagram being disabled, this brings more attention to people. They might investigate the cause of Instagram being disabled, search the Internet and see the true reason behind this act.

So what do you think? Did disabling Instagram only draw more attention to the protests?

Pop Culture’s Obsession with ‘Booty’

Jennifer Lopez released her ‘Booty’ music video last Thursday, September 18, 2014 that has already wracked up more than 29 million views already.

Photo taken from Google Images.

For a shallowly written song which has one theme, to ‘shake your big booty’ I question what is up with pop cultures’ obsession with booties?

Photo taken from Google Images.

It possibly could be attributed to Miley Cyrus and her invention of ‘twerking’ that has let to this massive theme in today’s culture. Other artists such as Nicki Minaj, have also recently released a song ‘Anaconda’ with the whole music video and song centered around booties.

While these music videos may be entertaining and edgy, I fail to see the lure. These are women who are just establishing that they arenothing more than overly sexualized beings who exist for the sole purpose of pleasing men.

Haven’t woman made significant advances within the world? Woman can vote, get an education and now play important roles within the corporate world. Why in the world are these artists belittling the advancement women have made?

This Jennifer Lopez music video was literally 4 minutes of butt shots. How is this popular? We all have a butt, it’s not something that we’ve never seen before, so I fail to see how watching people shake their booty can be THAT entertaining. I know it seems edgy and provocative, but why as a human race have we not advanced more than this?

Apple’s Digital Marketing U2 Campaign. What Went Wrong?

U2 Songs of Innocence Album Cover

Photo taken from Google Images.

Normally the words free would have a stampede of crowds coming in.

This was not the case for U2, when Apple decided to gift 500 Million of their ITunes users the U2 album Songs of Innocence this past week. The reaction to this gift was less than positive. Most users were surprised and there were an overwhelming amount of negative feedback on social media. A few examples of people’s reactions to the U2 album were “How do I delete this U2 trash off my phone” and “Thanks iTunes but I actually really don’t want this U2 album. Have it back.” There was so much negative feedback that Apple had to create a new troubleshooting page to help Apple users delete this album off their phones. More on this topic here.

Why did this digital marketing campaign go so horribly wrong?

There was a complete lack of consent.

The biggest issue that arose was that iTunes users had the Songs of Innocence album forced onto their accounts without their awareness.

Customers demand their privacy more than ever. This article The New Anti-Spam Law in Canada talks about the new anti-spams law in place to protect customers from commercial emails. The new law stresses that companies obtain consent from customers before they are able to send them emails.

While iTunes did not spam their customers with emails, the forced album download took it a step further.  I myself was taken aback when I found this album already in my phone. Not only was this campaign poorly received, the lack of positive feedback can imply that it was a complete waste of resources.

U2 lead singer Bono

Photo taken from Google Images.

The effort and work U2 put into producing this album was wasted. The quality of the music is completely overshadowed by this marketing stunt. The intent of this campaign was to hopefully spread U2’s music to increase their popularity but instead people will only remember the U2 album Songs of Innocence being automatically downloaded on their iPhones.

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