Post-it Notes Going Digital

Post-It Notes

Photo taken from Google Images.

Left and right companies are creating apps and going digital. It’s just an accepted way of doing business now. Making sure your company is digital is now a point of parity of doing business and customers expect businesses to be online and possible have an app.

A company that has been behind on this trend is 3M the maker of Post-it Notes. They have officially released a Post-it Note app for the iPhone. This app allows you to take pictures of your Post-it Notes and stores these handwritten notes in your phone.

Post-It Note App

Photo taken from Google Images.

While this idea fits in with the brand image, the concept of the app fails to thrill. Many productivity apps have come out allowing users to write into their phones their thoughts and ideas. Apps such as Evernote help students and professionals keep track of their notes and ideas.

In this digital age, it seems redundant for 3M to create an app just so you can transfer your handwritten post-it notes into your phone or computer. It seems a whole lot easier to enter your information into your phone in the first place if you knew you would want a soft copy of the information.

So is this Post-it Note app a waste of 3M’s resources? Most likely so, they should have just stuck to paper.

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