Kim Kardashian “Breaking the Internet”

Kim Kardashian is a scandalous celebrity to start with. The world is captivated by the random things she does. Kim Kardashian has pulled another stunt yet again. She released a scantily clad magazine cover on November 12, which shows full frontal nudity as well as a shot of her nude from the back. This picture itself has hit 6.6 million views within days. Furthermore, Kanye West tweeted one of the magazine spread’s photos which got 76,000 retweets and 85,000 favourites. This overwhelming amount of views, retweets and attention derived from a few photos. If you want to see the full photo, typing in Kim Kardashian will surely pull it up immediately.

At the beginning of the year, a topic in my Commerce Internet Marketing class that was brought up was “Is all kinds publicity good?” From this sheer amount of sharing of this photo has made it indeed “break the Internet” as Kim intended it to, but at what cost?

Kim already has a bad reputation to start with, owing much of her fame to sheer luck and lack of talent as viewed by most of the world. Stripping down and consenting to having her naked body plastered all over the magazine seems a bit much just to create some buzz. Not only does this wreck her reputation, people will take her less seriously than they already did before. As much as she did receive MASSIVE attention from the media and the online world in the end, this attention does not add any value to people’s perception of her. For the most part people are not surprised she pulled another “stunt” like this one.

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