Amazing Honda Ad

Honda uploaded a very interactive video today. This ad is a work of pure genius. This ad takes you through two sides of a story at the same time. How it works is the video is an interactive video that allows the viewer to control the content by just holding down the “R” key on their keyboard. See the whole ad here –>

This ties into Honda trying to change the perception people may have of their Civic model. The message they are trying to get across is that there is a “vanilla” version of the civic driver who takes their kids to school, but at the same time you can lead a double life of excitement with the Civic.

Honda Civic

Photo taken from Honda Website.

This could be a direct response to the recent ad that Toyota came out that has the exact same message. This ad also emphasized that adults can be cool and drive the Toyota Camry.

Obviously the Honda interactive experience was more engaging and effective compared the Toyota ad that did the same things. Having the viewer hold down the “R” key is an effective means to get people to remember the car itself and the model name. The interactive video makes viewers want to stay and watch the full video itself and also re-watch the video to see the whole other side of the story.

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