Why Canada will never reach its full potential.

Back in 2012, Canada cut its funding to marine biology, causing many of Canada’s leading biologists to leave the country to find work else where like in Australia where they are funding this research. With many more examples of scrapped projects-like the Avro-Aero-that could have out our country at the frontier of research again our government decides to give up something we should be embracing.

The message for the last decade has been “go green,” this message has been seen on commercials for restoration projects of Canadian mines, to researching more sustainable farming techniques, but now Canada is starting to back away from its once prestigious position in the world.

While many other nations, such as China, Germany and the USA are pouring billions of dollars into the research of greener energy like solar power, and wind energy, Canada remains on the rear-end of the band wagon. Although we have major government corporations like B.C Hydro doing research on more efficient techniques of sustainability, the government as a whole is lacking.

Now if Canada wants to continue to spend money on already expensive fossil fuels, and wait until many of the larger economies of the world are saving money on greener-practices than it is safe to say that the money has gone somewhere else. Of course our taxes are collected to spend on important issues but this issue is just as important. Our planet is being damaged by Canada’s addiction to unsustainable practices. From fracking to polluting, Canada is climbing down the environmentally friendly ladder, and eventually if Canada doesn’t start being more ethical with its business opportunities, than this country wont be so great to live in any more. Living costs, electricity, hydro, etc..would be cheaper world wide and Canada would just be catching up.

So my question is, do you think Canada should move funding away from other projects to this important one? Why or why not? What is a better alternative?


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