
A major issue I have with natural gas today is how it is actually collected in the USA. The new system of fracking is very dangerous to not only the environment, but to our personal health as well. These companies are not being socially responsible for their actions by leaking their more than 600 chemicals into near by groundwater reserves. The chemicals released into the water systems affects the local environment and possibly water sources in the cities. This can all lead to even worse consequences for the environment as huge amounts of water, and chemicals are being pressurized into the ground just to release some natural gas. In my opinion there has to be a better way, I mean these companies are even releasing Methane gas into the atmosphere at an astonishingly high rate.

In my opinion for fracking to continue-if it does-is for companies engaging in these activities to become more innovative and create more sustainable practices. The water used in one fracking job can support hundreds of thousands of people who actually need it as it uses up 1-8 million gallons of water. As well I think that companies could invest in creating a waste management program, maybe to reuse the chemicals and contaminated water instead of always using clean water. Find ways to reduce the amount of methane gas being leaked out into the atmosphere.

If fracking becomes more sustainable and these companies begin to display higher standards for their CSR’s then maybe they would be approved in more states or even accepted by the general population. Fracking only occurs in areas outside of smaller counties, so not much can be done by one area alone. But the results of their polluting are real and there needs to be an end to it all soon. Either something needs to change to make fracking more sustainable or fracking should be made illegal.

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