Social Entrepreneur’s

“Social entrepreneurs are society’s change agents, creators of innovations that disrupt the status quo and transform our world. By identifying the people and programs already bringing positive change, we empower them to extend their reach, deepen their impact and fundamentally improve society.”

If the UN were fully funded in terms of the IMF or WHO or UNICEF, you would still need Social entrepreneur’s to disrupt the norm. For example helping small villages with microloans to small business owners so that they can get out of debt and get their businesses on the move. Even if the UN was fully funded social entrepreneurship is still very viable.

People always want to learn how they can change the world and social entrepreneurs are the people making that change. But the reason they would still exist is they need the funding the UN can provide, they need the support of the government and of the people.

Social Entrepreneur’s are the foundation for the pyramid of success stories and without them many small business a round the world in developing countries like Bangladesh and Rhodesia wouldn’t have been able to get off the ground.

Social Entrepreneur’s have the skills to gain results and aren’t driven by a profit but are driven by the goal of bettering the welfare of society. S.E’s in my mind are very selfless and are here to provide for those who can not do everything themselves.

Having someone who isn’t driven by making a major profit but who is driven to help others succeed and get an advantage in life is an essential role in society if we ever want to grow. I will admit that at times, more often then I would like, I have been selfish however the times I do give back and help others get off their feet really does make me feel more humble. It truly is better to give rather than to always be the person wanting to receive something. During these readings I have learned that even though giving, you can receive something far more valuable than money. You receive the satisfaction of knowing you made someone smile, or that you made someone be able to be happy again and that is why Social Entrepreneurs are needed.

So regardless if the UN were fully funded or not, social entrepreneurs and the Arc will always be needed. The problem is who is willing to fund these social entrepreneurs? If the UN were to be fully funded then there would be no need to worry.

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