The More You Know…

Born in Montreal, QC in the middle of a heat wave, Ali’s life has been greatly influenced by nature since day 1. Her passion for the environment was rekindled in high school, when she participated in a project to transform a parking lot into a garden. Since then she’s participated in a number of initiative related to environmental and social justice. It almost seemed inevitable when she applied to UBC to study Environment & Sustainability in the Geography Dept. After her first year, her parents would be astonished to learn she’d become even more of a hippie since leaving Montreal.

Currently, she’s focused on thoroughly enjoying her degree and making the most of her time at UBC. She keeps saying she’ll join a club on campus, but her job at the AMS Bike Co-op promoting active transportation has her busy! Someday, she’d like to see herself completing a Masters in Urban Planning, because cities fascinate her. She believes changing the urban landscape is the key to reducing the impacts of climate change on human beings.

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