
Assessments of learning (more information about each assignment will be available on Canvas):

Reflection papers (2 papers, total 30%): On 2 Fridays of your choosing, submit a 2-page reflection on that week’s readings and movie (if applicable) by 11:59 pm on those Fridays. Each reflection should be 2 pages, double spaced, submitted to Canvas and Turn-it-in. Exclude Weeks 1, 7, and 14.
Discussion questions (2 sets, total 15%): For two classes in different weeks (based on sign-ups), submit a set of 2 discussion questions for each class regarding readings/movie assigned for that class. These questions should be open-ended, and spur conversations about the relevant topic that day. A complex question can take on multiple parts as follow-ups; but that would only count as one question. Questions should be submitted to Canvas (Turn-it-in unnecessary) by 11:59 pm the night PRIOR to the relevant class. At least one set must be submitted prior to Reading Week. More details discussed in class.
Discussion responses (2 sets, total 15%): Submit 2 sets of responses to discussion questions posted onto Piazza. Each set should address 2 discussion questions from one specific class. Responses must be posted by 11:59 pm on the Friday of the weeks corresponding to your chosen classes. At least one set must be prior to Reading Week. Discussion questions and responses cannot overlap weeks.
Final project (39%): The final project must be submitted by 11:59 pm on April 18. The project must be submitted to Canvas and (if applicable) Turn-it-in. Appropriate options for the final project will be posted onto Canvas. Note: if you need credits for this course to graduate, please submit early, and let us know that you need this course to graduate. For examples of previous final projects, please see this for some examples.
TCPS2 CORE (1%): Please complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement ethics tutorial by February 16 in case your final project involves interviews or other research/research-adjacent methods. Please access it here:

*All written work for this course MUST be written independently and reflect your own work and thoughts. UBC subscribes to the Turn-It-In system, which compares submitted work to other sources on its database (including work submitted by your peers) to check for potential plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious offense, and shall also be dealt with seriously. All reflections and papers must be submitted to Turn-It-In at If you do not already have an account, please sign up for one. The class ID is 42137291, and enter the enrollment key (acam320b), and then submit your work when the time comes. When creating an account in the tool, you will be asked to provide personally identifying information. Please know you are not required to consent to sharing this personal information with the tool, if you are uncomfortable doing so. If you choose not to provide consent, you may create an account using a nickname and a non-identifying email address, then let your instructor know what alias you are using in the tool.

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