Adventure Journal

Welcome to my online adventure journal! C’est comme une carnet de voyage, mais en ligne!

I know I am not really the type to blog, per say. But since my french class permits me to, I suppose having online postings/billets/remarks would be a nice way to commemorate my travels. Plus, with my luck and anxiety issues- I’d probably lose my phone with all of my photos and daily notes before the end of my trip. Hence, posting here may be a good idea. And well, everyone knows that nothing ever leaves the internet. So at least my files will be ‘secured’ here.

Since I am studying french and will be spending nearly half my trip in France, the blogs will be a mix between french and english! Hence, the tagline “franglais.”

Time zones suck so feel free to use this blog for updates on my travel itinerary (ABOUT), some “high quality” NEXUS 5 camera shots (KODAK MOMENTS) & how fat I am getting (via. MAD FOOD). Because you know, it seems like a decent way to procrastinate from whatever else you need to do for the day.

Bisous xox

@ Arc de triomphe

@ Arc de triomphe


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