Facebook is losing the teenager’s favour(From Parmy Olson, Forbes Staff )

David Ebersman,the chief financial officer,recently raised the concerns that the dominant population of the social network–the teenagers,are less active on the Facebook.

“We did see a decrease in daily users, partly among younger teens,” Ebersman admitted.

The survey among 30 countries revealed a decline from 76% in the first quarter to 56% in the third quarter in 2013.

Where are the teenagers flocking to?Mostly the Wechat,Instagram and Snapshot.

The mobile chat services like Wechat and Whatsapp are more favored as the messages are passed more instantaneously.And other apps like Instagram and Snapshot have the  specialized advantages of photo-processing and photo-beatifying.

The trend is that teenagers are more likely to chat and talk through the mobile apps instead of on the website.

But still,the instant messaging conveyed through Whatsapp and Wechat is based on the small groups of friends they mostly know from the real life,while Facebook focuses on the virtual social network.Therefore, they can coexist.

In my perspective,teenagers are still using the fb in the social life while the numerous social networking apps are slowly taking them away from the fb. Teenagers are faced with multiple choices to spice their life up.




Megan Chan’s lulu lemon blog post

With the increasing number of women demanded for the athletic apparels,Chip Wilson established the Lululemon,an athletic ware company in 1998.

The company enjoys great popularity and the Chip Wilson successfully turned into a billionaire.

While the company is popular among a great number of  female,it is put at risk by the Wilson when he made some controversial comments on females in the Bloomberg TV interview.

From Megan’s perspective,the company will not sustain any major blows due to the established company culture and  brand loyalty from the customers.And it ‘s believed that Lululemon will weather the storm through the loyal customers’ support.

As for me ,I feel entirely discontent when knowing that ‘ Lululemon just doesn’t work for “some female”.’As a female,I feel sympathy and humiliated at the same time.Despite of the out-standing fame of the company,such judgement with bias from the CEO can largely affect the sales.The company should revalue the proposition and deal with the customer relationship in order to have a better future for the company.




JustFab: Retail Revolution–Priyanka Vasudev

JustFab is an online shopping industry with great uniqueness of being able to provide the customers with the personalized trendy outfits and goods through the  surveys and questionnaire filled up by the customers before the shopping.

From writer’s perspective,not only the does the tactic better satisfy customers,but it is also a strategic advantage for the company.Furthermore,it ‘s believed that the integration of the information technology and online retailers will become prevalent in the near future.

As for me,I go for the online shopping very often and indeed get upset about the inability to know if the outfits or apparels really suit for me.Through the surveys and questionnaire provided by the customers ourselves,it ‘s indeed easier for us to find the desirable goods that really fit into us.From the company’s perspective,it offers a distinct value proposition among the numerous online retailers.The JustFab doesn’t simply offer the trendy and fashionable clothes,they provide the ones that are parallel to the specification preference.Also,JustFab make good use of the MIS.It develops a advantageous strategy and becomes more profitable by gathering the data from customers and apply them to the sales strategy.

What ‘s more,more suitable goods can largely reduce the return rate and free shipping costs.



The smart Google glass

Google glass,a novel gadget invented recently,is considered to promote high efficiency for the employees ,which may add nearly $1 billion a year to the company from 2017.

This type of glass is particularly useful for the workers who use both of their hands to complete a demanding and complex task.With the Google glass, the workers can conduct the task easier and clearer,which allows for a higher accuracy and production.

Especially for healthcare staff or the maintenance worker who are in great  need of looking back and forth,the Google glass makes it convenient and easy to work comprehensively.

This kind of novelty of technology is expected to be dominant as the head cameras are widely-applicable.

But for now ,the smart glasses doe not suit for the heavy-duty task.

Besides the a number of advantages can be seen from this cutting-edged technology,the smart glasses is designed to be a consumer product,which is trendy and vogue,and before the release,the producer need to deal with the concerns of security and employee privacy.

From my perspective,a high technology can indeed save the company a great deal of money in the long run as the technology is uniquely advanced and it can create a lower cost structure and more efficient operating.




7-day delivery in NY and LA on Amazon

Amazon recently launches the seven-day delivery in the metropolitans in NY and LA.And the first Sunday delivery will be made in the coming week. According to the spokesman,the company has anticipated to expand into Della,New Orleans,Houston and Phoenix.

Amazon,as the Fortune 500,have the customers place orders and offer the delivery through every day of the week is considerably thoughtful and convenient.Being a well-known online shopping web,the seven-day delivery can not only promote the sales,but win more customers applause as well in terms of the uniqueness and great convenience.

The USPS spokeswoman called the expanded delivery as a win/win for Amazon.From my perspective,as the company developed into a new operation strategy,Amazon can be better in reducing the inventory and avoiding the depreciation.

Despite of  the higher shipping costs the company might incur in the new operating way,Amazon can become more profitable from the action as an e-shopping web where more service hours and delivery become available.Most importantly,the company are more favored as the customers are more satisfied.

Accompanied by the seven day delivery,Amazon also raises free shipping minimum to 35$,which is acceptable by me if they indeed offer the delivery through every day.
