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I have chosen to discuss the current buzzing issue of whether or not the Enbridge pipeline will be built. Many first nations’ communities (particularly the Nak’azdli) have displayed their strong opposition to the pipeline project. This is in fear of potential oil spills that among other things will tarnish the health of their beloved lands, rivers and much of the wildlife in the area. Despite this external threat to their project, Enbridge has continued to ensure the construction will commence. In this case, much of the company’s benefits that it brings to the communities do not apply to the First Nations as much as it does to the general public as well the stakeholders involved in Enbridge. This external threat is essentially endangering Enbridge’s entire business and all those involved with the project to the point of possibly having to shut it down. This is why Enbridge is actively taking steps to ensure future support of the project from all oppositions. In addition to payouts, they have even taken to making these external threats a part of the company by offering shares. By turning the opposition into partners they are not only gaining the support of those who once opposed them, but are also actively involving them in the company, therefore strengthening their relationships between them. Although this offer is on the table, some groups are firm on their stand that they will not be bought off; to them the lands mean much more to them and they are not willing to put them at risk with such ease. This of course implies that Enbridge will still have a tough road ahead of them as they attempt to attain the support of all opposition.

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