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Monthly Archives: November 2014

Two power supply firms, Candu Energy Inc. (based in Canada) and China Nuclear Power Engineering Company Ltd. (based in China) have paired up to build two nuclear reactors in Romania. This project would support Canada’s economy as well as provide high-skilled jobs to fellow Canadians (in addition to the jobs being created at the site of the reactors). Candu already operates in reactors in Romania (as well as many other places), therefore they have valued experience in the area and will be prepared for most complications.


In addition to this deal SNC Lavalin and the China National nuclear corporation have signed a deal in which they will attempt to eventually make the reactors run on recycled nuclear fuel. This will initially be tested on existing Candu reactors. This change will significantly reduce environmental impact by increasing output while using much less inputs (such as uranium), in addition this could lead to lower costs for the company as well.

Candu’s decision to be in these deals will be very beneficial to their company as well as the environment. This will improve Candu’s image among the public and perhaps lead to greater expansion due to the newfound reputation. Also, if successful, this will allow them to adopt a much greener value proposition in which they provide cleaner energy to the world. The reduced amount of uranium used will greatly decrease their variable cost (provided that other costs don’t increase substantially due to different processing) which in the long run will benefit them greatly. Overall these two deals have allowed Candu to expand, profit the Canadian economy, potentially provide cleaner energy, improve their image, reduce costs and reduce their emissions.

reactor (external blog) (1st image) (2nd image)


Brenden’s blog outlines that with the vigorous work or school schedules that many find it difficult to make time for the gym or exercise at all for that matter. The solution he looked towards was to do the little things at work that give you a bit more exercise each day. This includes parking further away, moving office supplies further away from your desk so more of a walk is required.

While I agree that exercise is very important in numerous ways, I happen to disagree with the general premise of his article. His solution of simple workout tips at work while they may make a bit of a difference, they are negatively impacting the company that employ’s you. This is because you are wasting more time at work, time for which your employers are paying you to be working. A major premise in many businesses is that productivity must be utilized in the most efficient way possible. If you are, on a daily basis, purposely cutting down your productivity in order to take care of personal tasks then, you are knowingly hurting the firm. Doing this is not ethically right, as it could potentially be reducing the firm’s efficiency. An alternatives to this, and perhaps equally effective could be to take the principles of this article and move it to your home. This can be done by moving the remote further away, doing quick workouts during commercial breaks on television (or any other time you can spare a couple minutes). In conclusion, exercise is a very important aspect of life, however there are alternatives to letting it affect your work.

home (response to this blog) (1st image) (2nd image) (link to original article)


I recently ready Daphne’s Blog post regarding targeted advertising through social media tracking. She had many insights regarding personal feelings on the matter; she stated the she did not like the idea of feeling as if she was being watched, as well as touching on other people’s reactions to experimental ad suggestions (without the users knowledge).

Nowadays much of our life is based online. Social media, stores etc. are all at the convenience of laptops (or even smartphones). Therefore the innovative and logical way to determine what consumer’s desire is to track their interests and decide what is the best product/service to offer each individual user. Before this there were other methods, however, in this day this is the perfect way to lure customers in a very strategic way.

An example of a company who has utilized this method is Netflix. My sister and I have different Netflix accounts and upon observation I noticed that each of our individual viewing needs was catered very differently. The top picks for us were different, they offered suggestions based on other movies we have watched and I even noticed that the categories closer to the top were very different (such as dramas being at the top for her and for me it was a ways down). By tracking us and delivering these suggestions, Netflix is keeping consumers engaged with their service to ensure it’s continued use.


Although this era of advertising makes many uncomfortable (myself included), it is an essential piece to aid the marketing division (and potentially others as well). (response to this blog) (1st image) (2nd image)

 Swot Analysis:

Strengths Opportunities
–          New innovative product that differentiates from competitors

–          Theft prevention is key for them

–          Convenient product

–          Revolutionize the way our currency is handled

–          Get an early advantage on competitors

Weaknesses Threats
–          Still in test stages of technology

–          Difficult to deliver to the masses quickly

–          Style is a major factor, if they do not create an appealing design then the product, regardless of the benefits, will not sell to the masses

rbc watch

                The world is constantly moving towards using technology to further convenience their lives. Bionym is striving to do just that with their new and innovative way of banking and in the future, possibly much more. Bionym and Royal Bank (RBC) are pairing up to introduce a new way of banking. Their design is a wearable banking device (wrist watch) with which transactions can be made so carrying of credit cards will not be necessary. They are also thinking of using this device to replace many essentials that we have to carry around, such as, alternative keys to your vehicle, passwords for computers, a key to check into your hotel room etc., to them the possibilities are endless. In addition, they have created an anti-theft technology in which it senses your electrical signals given off by a user’s heartbeat, so the product will only work for the owner of it. In this case Bionym is doing many things right; first of all they are fully aware of the continuing technological changes in society and are taking full advantage of this. In addition, they do not want to simply make banking more convenient, they are motivated to continue and develop this technology into something they believe will eventually be used to replace many things we use daily, all into one device on your wrist. However, there are still potential flaw in this concept, one being that it may not be stylish. As practical as this technology is, if the design is not appealing to consumers then the product simply will not sell as much; this aspect must be kept in consideration if this is to succeed. When looking at Royal Bank, they too are making great decisions. By deciding to partner with Bionym they’re differentiating themselves from other banks by offering a commodity that no other bank can. This offers incentive to make the switch as this new invention has the potential to eventually change the way the modern world operates. (1st image) (2nd image)

” If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?

                The United Nations does a lot for the global community. They provide aid to numerous communities of different sizes and help make the world much better. If they were fully funded, yes this would allow them to do great things globally; they could build hospitals and schools, provide food and restore damaged areas. The possibilities are endless — however groups such as the Arc and social enterprise would still be needed as their services would be much quicker, efficient and more focused.

arc un

With a large group such as the United Nations, for a decision to be made there are many steps, such as drawing a proposal, approval, voting on whether or not to do it. With small groups they simply see change that needs to be done and work towards accomplishing it; without having to endure numerous processes and meeting to agree on something.

Additionally, these large groups  tend to (however not all the time) focus on issues on a large scale, while smaller organizations lean toward helping more concentrated areas and ensuring they are receiving everything they need in their location. When I was in elementary school, my school decided to build a relationship with a community in Venezuela, one in desperate need of aid. We, as a school, provided them with school supplies (among other things). This relationship carried on for a few years and we were able to make a difference in the community by allowing the children to learn as we do.

If there were no smaller organizations or groups of people willing to make a difference, then actions such as this may have never happened. Individuals are always told how they can make a difference, taking away all that individual passion and desire to help and leaving it all in the hands of a single organization would not be helpful. (1st image)  (2nd image)

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